Grow room design help please!

I've been growing with partners for a few years now and I've learned quite a bit here and there....but I finally gave my most recent partner the boot and am having to do everything myself. I'm surprised at how much there is to learn. I've been a part of crops where we saw 4 oz. a plant and then those where we didn't even get an ounce each. But I was never in control before. I just helped out with watering and did the clipping.

We've been growing inside my garage, a self contained room built inside the garage that currently has 6 1000 watt lights, hoods, full ventilation, etc. Our plan was to grow a quick crop to raise some cash and then go in and deck the garage out how we wanted it. The system we have now was put up by my brother in law (my last partner). We had one great crop and caught up with bills and then the second one sucked. We barely got anything.

I have plenty of space, the garage is about 25x22 and almost all useable space other than the water pump in one corner. I definitely want a separate area for vegging, right now we use the same room for both veg and flower and it slows us down a lot. We have a cloner too. There are two windows in the garage, but they can be covered up. The garage doors have already been covered over with insulation.

I have a new investor, but I really don't want to spend more than another couple of thousand to get a veg area set up. Suggestions? Do you guys clone and veg in the same area? How about vegging on shelves, so you can use vertical space? Should I tear down the existing room or just add onto it?

We also have spiders, that's what killed our last crop. My ex partner just set off a few bombs, but never really got rid of them. I've used a bomb and I've been spraying them with Dawn and I think that's helping. It got rid of them and then 5 days later, they popped up again so I sprayed again yesterday and I'll keep at it. I want them GONE.

My current crop is looking good though. We're 5 weeks into veg right now and I'm waiting for some of them to catch up before I put them into flower. Would be AWESOME if I had another room!

I'm cutting clones today or tomorrow and would like to have the second room ready to go by the time they are ready to put in pots.

Ideas? I guess I could put some pictures up, is that necessary?

Thanks for your help!
Ok, so unless I put up pictures, no one's gonna reply to my thread? lol hmmm ok. Well, I'm in the middle of topping and lollipopping my current crop, so I guess when I'm done with that, I'll take some pics of the crop before I put it into flower. I really need some help though! I can't figure out how to arrange the space so I have good separate veg and flower areas without wasting a TON of space. The plants just don't need that much room while they're in veg, so I'd love to go vertical, but the guy who's doing all the actual labor is trying to be lazy and doesn't want to do it.
if you have spiders, i would totally blitz the whole room, if there is one in the corner that somehow wondered of, you could have the problem all over again.


Active Member
I would just buy one of those DIY wordrobes from walmart. It has three partitions, two places for mothers and a top shelf for clones. Then get some CFL's for the girls, fans, and a black out piece for the front light leaks. You can put it together by yourself, and should be fine for your space. Good luck!
Blitz the whole room because of spiders over two months into the process? That's hilarious. We got a few pounds our last crop and had a little issue with spiders, but certainly nothing to throw pounds of weed out the window for no reason. The plants still look amazing (there isn't any damage from the spiders because I keep killing them off as soon as the eggs hatch) most are about 20" right now and look good. Looks like we'll get about 4 ounces each or so. I've been topping and pruning for the past two days and when I'm done, I'm gonna put everything into flower.

Ok, so I guess my question is....what's the best way to divide the garage up? I have the one smaller room already inside it. It's light tight, has 6000 watts of light, all set up with ventilation, fans, etc. But I want to go faster, so I want two separate rooms. For the last two crops, we've just moved the clones into the room when they had good roots, vegged in there and then flowered in the same spot. But I want plants that are ready to flower when the current crop is done. It will speed things up by a month or so. And not only that, it will make it so that we can more easily share clones, etc.

So what's the best way to go about doing that? Should we make another room connected to the first one so we can share the ventilation? Or do people buy a whole complete set up for a veg room, including ballasts, fans, filters, etc.? Is it better to control temp/humidity, etc. in two different spaces or as one larger space? It seems like there are too many different ways to do things.

Or what about vegging on shelves? I'll prob be vegging about 70 plants at a time in one gallon pots. Maybe two long shelves with two lights each?

Hopefully I just asked some more specific questions that will spark a conversation. I would really like to get everything done this week sometime, since I'll be ready to put the current crop into flower, but some of the plants got a late start (long story), so I don't want to flower them just yet. I'd rather have the veg room ready so I can just move them into it.

And sorry, Commander Strax, I didn't mean to say that NO ONE replied to my post. I do appreciate the spider info you posted. I looked at the page and I'll use that stuff if I can't get a better result from something that is a bit more organic. Yeah, sorry, I'm one of THOSE people. I use the stuff we grow, so putting pesticides on it just doesn't sit well with me. I even argued against using the bombs we did use and then they didn't even help. The Dawn soap really does help, but I just can't seem to get it on ALL the eggs and they come back a few days later. This time I only saw webs reappear on like two plants though, so I think I'm making progress with killing them. Just have to keep at it. My last partner just let the spiders take over and that's why our yield was so low. But even at less than an ounce a plant, we still harvested a few pounds.

I was really hoping for more responses about the room setup though, sorry. Didn't mean to imply that you don't count as a response. I'll get some pics of stuff today just because you love them.


Active Member
Willing to spent a couple thousand ?

why not get a nice size tent and place that in the flower room ? (prolly on the opposite side of the garage of where you would have your lights and plants)
With some extra attention to light leakge you could come a long way withoout having to invest too much.
And you could simply vent the air from the tent straight into the flower room.


Active Member
Use your current space, put your upgraded veg lighting in (assuming you have it stuffed full of HPS right now). MOve that 6K out to the garage, upgrade ventilation, fans, lights, electrical, etc.. whatever it is you grow in.. I am in soil and have 18 ladies in different stages of maturity and it is a job to keep up. Going from a good sized grow to garage is a LOT of soil mixing and setup both shovel work and layout. Whatever your work load is now plan on it going 10X. Which sounds great. Man..I mean lady, I wish I had your space.

Look at details like the footprint your lights have, "small" details like that will make or break your success. Fan sizes, ventilation and makeup air, humidity management.. the list is long. If I picture it You could easily have 10K in Bloom and still add more. Your Veg space could be likely cut a third power wise if you go MH and still retain all the space.. Either way plan on some electrical work, possibly using 220 lighting.. Digital ballasts? I use the Extreme Nano line and am very pleased, so pleased I am buying 5 more for an IN CAB yes, enclosed ballast design. Design and lay it out carefully. Look at some garage scale examples of soil growers. There are a shyt ton of differentials. It sounds like you have enough to get a good start on and a budget which is what many lack. I am building mine in phaseable upgrades adding square footage and components as it grows. Something to consider. But good luck anyway. I'd like to follow your design. I am in a similar situation where I just accidentally grew out of my space and am being plant forced even larger yet sigh.. but it's happy work. Its a small forum and we like pitures..lots of

PS Be carefull before killing your spiders and make sure they arent helping you before killing them. If they are common house and garden variety leave em be unless they freak you out. They could be your silent buddies. If they are bad ones then yeah, kill them. Hotshots work well. about 1 per 4-600ft? don't use more than the pack says. There are organic deterents out there too you may consider that are way more labor intensive but you are going to have your hands way to full to be dealing with insects. again, more variables and things to learn as you are soon to see. Going from water person to full on garage grower will make anyones head swim :weed: in soil will be almost full time doing something in support of the plants. I guess my point is keep it simple on the pest side. You do not want to learn about bugs in the middle of a garage sized grow, even your current size would suck. Give the HotShots a look.