
Well-Known Member
Hey guys im about to start my second grow and after thinking a while im going to build a tent or buy one and put it in my attic i only need one big enough for 2 3gallon pots im thinking 2ft deep 2ft wide and 4ft tall . My question is what is the least amount of lighting i would need im thinking 250HPS or A PL-55 2 Foot 2 Lamp or 4 Lamp Tek Light , also i know its pretty hot in my attic so ill need a small ac unit or something else that you guys could recomend. Im also going to need some type of way to get rid of the odor that isnt expensive as hell like most of the carbon filters ive seen . Thanks guys :) im really excited about trying 2 different strains this go around

Just paranoid

Active Member
a 6 inch carbon filter an fan is about 100 on amazon. j a 4 inch filter combo is 70ish. it is step one in remaining hidden. second a 250hps with cooltube is about 120 ish. a small tent is 70 ish.

the air comming out of your tent will be smell free. most tents have two ports for a portable ac which ive seen online for 400. dont try to cool the whole attic. just get the one that allows hooking up two flex duct hoses to your tent and have the termostate inside the tent.
keep it at like 78-80 and grow on!


Well-Known Member
if u can advoid the attic ............i would

the heat u are getting in there is nothing yet ..............a small ac is not going to have the power to do much more then make a tiny dent in the heat
1 the black tar shingles are collecting the heat of the day plus the solar heat
2 the heat from the house is being forced in there as (the house designs it self)
3 if u have a centeral air system that is making heat each time it runs to cool the home
4 fiber glass and bugs/pests/birds (u would need to polywrap as much as u could to seal it up then apply something shiny/white to defuse and reflect the light )
5 u are talking a HPS light in a already hot area ..........i live in middle of usa near the ocean in the foothills of a major moutain chain my attic gtes up to 130 degrees that was when i was a kid 20 years later and world being hotter 138 145 is my guess now

if u have no choice but to use the attic
1 u need LED lights for the lower heat factor
2 u are going to need a 12000 btu ac (window shaker are stronger portable will work 12000 btu minal)
3 u are going to need a mass air exchange system (if u over power it will remove the heat faster and keep the humitidy down some we are talking air exchanged for the area once every 10 to 30 secs
4 depends on where u are might need dehumiditifer........not counting what the ac can do