Grow tent help needed - setting up and fireproofing


Hey Cool People

After a stack of outdoor grows, I now live in a location where I am going to have to bring it inside.

have been looking at grow tents, but need advice;

my main concern is fireproofing! The tent would be in a confined storage area - I am super paranoid about fire

any ideas about protecting this tent from fire? Looking to run either 250w or 400w mh.

Would like to hear others experiences trips or traps to keep safe...

also any recommended brands of tents etc

thanks all


Well-Known Member
Im not sure about tents that are fire retardant but if you get a good tent (one with metal poles instead of pvc) your less likely to have a fire by the tent colapsing and your plants going up in flames. Also check your electrical wiring and make sure your not pulling more then whats recommended/allowed. Other than that I have no idea but good luck.

Oh and if your super paranoid about fires, just build your own grow tent/cab/subdivision and use flame retardant materials.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
If you need something fire resistant, frame a room out of 2x3's, and screw some panels of sheet rock up on the inside. Good luck on your fireproof tent


Well-Known Member
Run to Wal-Mart or what ever, and buy a Fire Extinguisher.
Even if you never use it, It's better to have one than not.


Well-Known Member
If you need something fire resistant, frame a room out of 2x3's, and screw some panels of sheet rock up on the inside. Good luck on your fireproof tent
I just built one like this, they do have drywall that is more resistant to fire than others. The purple one I got at home depot is fire/mold and mildew resistant. The stuff is dusty though so duct tape the edges to keep that from getting crazy. I used to hang drywall and breathed in tons of drywall, pretty sure its pretty safe.

They also have 'automatic' fire extinguishers that you can hang from the ceiling of the grow room/.tent. not sure if they are good or not but i'm sure they will take some head room.


Active Member
Google "flame defender" its a automatic fire extinguisher that goes off at a certain temperature. I have 2 of the smallest ones.
One on top of my ballast and one in the tent . Best 80 bucks I ever spent.

The peace of mind you get you can't really put price on that.

Good luck


Thanks all... The guy in the shop swear they have never heard of one catching on fire... But want to keep super safe... Will go with electrical safety switches and a couple of flame defenders... Thanks all +rep for all cheers


Well-Known Member

A standard fire sprinkler head , just like in any comerical bullding costs about 5-10$ and covers 7'

all you need to do to install them is tap your water main , install a check valve or doublecheck valve to be up to code , run out the line to your grow and attach to heads - simmple job for a do-it-yourself type

When useing drywall for fire suppresion the standard is 2 layers of 5/8"