Grow tent?


Active Member
i was going to build a grow room this weekend but some plans faild to where i cant really reconstuct any rooms do to the fact that i rent. i am looking for a grow tent big enough to have a veg and flower room that comes with the lights and the works any ideas

Well-Known Member
I used a little one and the zipper kind of broke. I would not get a cheapo. A busted tent 38 days in to flowering would be quite stressful.

You need to vent with a strong fan that makes some noise. So stealth is an issue. I always find that no matter how well constructed a grow room(or tent) is, it is really clear that its a grow tent from the outside. So you may want to consider a room within a room kind of thing.

You could make it out of wood but make it in a way that comes apart. Like nail the walls together separately and then bolt those together. So you can take it apart when you are done. Also you could consider getting used cabinets, when people remodel there kitchen they toss the old cabinets. Get some of those and then toss them when you move, that can work for a veg or clone area with floro's.

Sorry I don't know about those big tents.

Is your landlord cool about you growing? if not I would keep it small and quickly teardownable. My friend got busted because the landlord was investigating a pluming issue and heard some water dripping (his hydro system running) and thought that was the source of the pluming problem. Found the plants, called the cops. Ouch.


Active Member
Use PVC Pipe & White Black Plastic you get @ the grow shop or build it out of wood then just stapple the plastic with the white side to the wood. I bought a tent & it was horrible I dont use it anymore just the frame. If you do use a tent get an air cooled reflector with a 6" duct in line fan and ducting. because man that tent WILL GET REALLY HOT. All I use is a 400W & then i ducted A/C into it. BIG WASTE OF TIME. Plus some tents are made out of this vynyl that releases clorine gas when it heats up. Try Auto Flowering strains found @ attitude seed bank, that way you dont need seperate rooms to flower and veg. have to do a seed crop though b/c you cant clone Autos.


Active Member
When the plastic/ vynil heats up & releases that gas it will KILL your plants they sprout then die. clorine gas is deadly to plants. called HYdro Hut syndrome. Buyer Beware. that black white plastic doesnt release clorine gas. Good Luck. Tents that you buy suck. DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY. :wall:
I just used the tent frame & wrapped plastic around it in a closet,fan on the floor for intake and duct off the cool tube venting into my living room. 20hrs on and 4off thats my Auto AK light cycle. But the plants in that pic have a K deficiency and their young. nothing special. YET!!!!

