Grow update and questions


Active Member
Hey, i tought i would post a few pic's of my current grow
Here we are.. Greenhouse Indica Mix :bigjoint:

All seedlings are about 2 weeks old, i had them all under CFL's for 24hours, currently under 18/6 ON 250W HPS

Quick Questions:
When is the best time to start giving my seedlings some nutes? i currently have "Plagron Grow" nutes

White Rhino

Lemon Skunk

(Can someone tell me if there is a small deficiency or something with this seedling)

Train Wreck

Great White Shark

HPS, il be building a growbox for this soon :)

What do you guys think of this plant, it was my first plant so i was just solely for learning different stages etc. i was using a 75w 5500K CFL for veg, i am using 4x24watt 2700K for flowering now on this plant in a separate grow box.
How much am i going to yield do you think?



Well-Known Member
Your flowering plant is looking good!!!
what sorta soil are you using with the seedlings >> maybe theres nutes in the soil alread :|
there not lookin to bad if there is already built in nutes in the soil it dosent seem to be bothering the rest of em..
looks good wil be following this!


Active Member
theres no nutes in the soil that i know of. When the lemon skunk was in the propagator for the first 2 weeks it was always like that.. il give it a few more days and post back hope for the best.. i done an 10% Miracle Grow and 90% Plagron (with perlite) soil mix if thats any use.. lol


Active Member
Just received my Secret jardin dr80 in the post today, here is some pictures of the setup as it is now

DSCF1249 [Desktop Resolution].jpg
DSCF1251 [Desktop Resolution].jpg
DSCF1250 [Desktop Resolution].jpg
Getting way to big for the CFL's :O