Growbox- low humidity


Active Member
I am growing two plants in a growbox in my closet and the humidity seems to be staying really low(20-30%) Does anybody know a way to increase humidity with out having to buy a humidifier??:leaf:
what i have done in the past is place a few trays of water around in the grow room and even a damp towel, the heat will change the water in the towel or trays into water vapor and increase your humidity. you dont want to overdo it though, you kind of have to mess around with how many different things to put in there that have the water in them


Active Member
Hey thanks for the reply man. Im gonna do that tonight an see what the humidity reads in the morning. Ill throw some new pics up too.


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mms_picture[2].jpgmms_picture[1] (2).jpgmms_picture[2] (3).jpgmms_picture[1].jpgmms_picture[4].jpgmms_picture[3].jpgmms_picture[3] (2).jpgmms_picture[2] (4).jpgmms_picture[5].jpgmms_picture[6].jpg[QUOmms_picture[2] (2).jpgTE=Brandon Walker;5014668]awesome, id love to see the pictures

i was gonna ask too, how are you measuring the humidity? what kind of meter do you have?[/QUOTE]

Ok man heres some new pics. Im using three lights as you can see, the one in the back is a 23w 5000k cfl, the tube light in the middle is 22w 6500k and the front one is a 30w 3700k, so i have 75 total actual watts. I just added the tube light about a week ago an the plants seem to love it but this also dropped the humidity buy about 6-8% and increased temp from 75-80 to roughly 80-86. I tried putting a tray of water in the box like you said and it made no difference(the humidity was actually lower when i checked it in the morning, about 19%!!!!) IDK what to do, maybe just put more little trays of water and somne sponges or something??
yeah, a wet (not soaking) sponge or cloth will add humidity. best results can be achieved if you have some sort of way to heat up the tray of water or sponge, like a light bulb or heat lamp. but this does also add heat.

does your meter say its 51 degrees in your grow box? or is that inside your house and its 79 in the growbox? it looks like your meeter is only measuring the inside humidity (outside your grow box) try switching the probes, or whatever it uses, around and see how the humidity is.

pictures are looking pretty good. do you have ventilation in there though? i couldnt tell from the pics


Active Member
I just put three little trays of water in there for now hopefully that helps. And that says 81 degrees. theres a wireless sensor i have on the floor of the box, thats what the bottom reading is. I have a pc exaust fan but you cant see it behind the light, and passive intake hole on the bottom where the timer is. theres also another pc fan blowing across the lights. thanks for the reply ill let you know if the trays of water help the humidity. and also i was kinda confused about what you said about measuring humidity outside the box?


Active Member
im' having the same problem with low humidity in my flower room. Probably in my veg room too but i dont' have a humidity monitor in that room lol. For my flower room (stuck at around 20% humidity) I try and mist once or twice a day not just the plants but the walls of the tent to spread the vapor. Today I think i'll try your idea with the wet towel/cloth and see how it does.

From what i hear low humidity isn't too big of a problem provided you keep your plants well watered (but not overwatered of course)
what i was saying veeco was that it looks like your meter does not take an outside humidity read from the probe, i think the meter is made to read humidity from the inside of the "house" and not through the wireless sensor. Try leaving the whole meter in the box for a little while while your lights are on and check it to see what the humidity reads then

also, yeah, light misting your plants with a 1-2% nute mixture while in veg is alright and can allow for lower humidity in a growbox. just make sure you dont do it while flowering. thats is, unless you like smoking mold :)


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what i was saying veeco was that it looks like your meter does not take an outside humidity read from the probe, i think the meter is made to read humidity from the inside of the "house" and not through the wireless sensor. Try leaving the whole meter in the box for a little while while your lights are on and check it to see what the humidity reads then

also, yeah, light misting your plants with a 1-2% nute mixture while in veg is alright and can allow for lower humidity in a growbox. just make sure you dont do it while flowering. thats is, unless you like smoking mold :)
o ok, yeah i keep the whole thing in the box. is miracle grow an alright fertilizer?


Active Member
soo the water dishes seem to be helping alot, thanks for the advice man. humidity is up to 27% and rising still. what i did was fill a medium size container with water then covered it witha thin sponge to catch the water as it evaporates, seems to work really well. if anyone else has tried this before or has any advice please comment.
thats a good idea, ive actually done something like that in the past for germination. filled a cup up halfway with water and put the seeds in a wet papertowel suspended above the water and sealed it off. didnt work as good as the method i use now, but its still using the same kind of idea.

also, what kind of fertilizer is the miracle grow? what are the percentages of it? ive heard good and bad about it, but i mean, it wont kill you to smoke miracle grown weed like the myths we've all heard before


Active Member
thats a good idea, ive actually done something like that in the past for germination. filled a cup up halfway with water and put the seeds in a wet papertowel suspended above the water and sealed it off. didnt work as good as the method i use now, but its still using the same kind of idea.

also, what kind of fertilizer is the miracle grow? what are the percentages of it? ive heard good and bad about it, but i mean, it wont kill you to smoke miracle grown weed like the myths we've all heard before
Im not to sure what kind of miracle grow, i think its just all purpose. i know it has all three NPK but not sure how much.Ive been using 1/4 strength every other watering for about two weeks now and that still turns some of the bottom leaves yellow, but not too bad, doesnt seem to hurt the plant. I think im gonna get a different kind, anybody know a good fertilizer i can get at a local store(eg. kmart,walmart,lowes,homedepot....)?


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Oh and the reason I dont know what the fert. is, is it was taken out of its original package and put in a plain container.all i know is that its blue miracle grow


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mms_picture[1].jpgmms_picture[2].jpgmms_picture[1] (2).jpgHeres another update, i topped my plant for the first time today(just below the 5th set of leaves) I took out the other plant because i dont have enough light for two plants,only 68 actual watts, so now i can focus all the light onto that plant. Let me know what yins think.


Active Member
mms_picture[1].jpgmms_picture[2].jpgmms_picture[1] (2).jpgmms_picture[1] (3).jpgHeres a few new pics of my baby. I topped her two days ago and now am seeing new growth, im soo excited!! Sorry for the crappy pics, its the best i could get with my phone.I also was wondering where to take temp. in my box, i have my thermometer at the height of my plant, about 4 or 5 in from the lights, and its reading about 83-84 degrees, and i have a wireless sensor in the bottom of my box thats reading 75 consistently. Is 84 too hot for my plant? The humidity is also getting low again, 20%-15% sometimes, the trays of water seemed to work for a few days but must have been some other unknown factor. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks guys.
the new growth is looking good!

good thinking with the topping and removing of the other plant. the topping that you've done will make up for it. do you plan on doing any LST'ing?

normally the most important temperature to read is the top of the plants. I would say that 85 is the absolute maximum i would want at the top. if the bottom of your box reads 75, then what i would do is slow down ventilation inside and outside of the box to increase humidity and put a fan that circulates all the air inside. its best to have it blowing directly on your plant tops to reduce heat


Active Member
the new growth is looking good!

good thinking with the topping and removing of the other plant. the topping that you've done will make up for it. do you plan on doing any LST'ing?

normally the most important temperature to read is the top of the plants. I would say that 85 is the absolute maximum i would want at the top. if the bottom of your box reads 75, then what i would do is slow down ventilation inside and outside of the box to increase humidity and put a fan that circulates all the air inside. its best to have it blowing directly on your plant tops to reduce heat
how would you recommend slowing ventilation? just partially block the fans?
yeah, or, depending on how many you have, like if you have 4, turn 2 off. somethin like that, just make sure the intake and exhaust are still equal


Active Member
o ok. See someone told me on here that you want your exaust pulling more air than your intake, i originaly had my fans equal but when i was told that i added more voltage to my exaust. I switched them back last night and temp didnt go above 82, and humidity is at 20% soo that def. helped. Thanks for the advice. And yes I am planning to do lst just waitin for her to get a little bigger, the nodes are growing pretty tight soo its kinda hard to do now so ill wait a couple more weeks i guess.