Growing ak 47 dwarf in aerogarden


wow thanks alex and fox. i took in alot of information and i think i know enough about the ph scale. that website was very helpful also


so there is a knob where my waterpump is. what number should o put it on? it goes from 0 to 4..and what is that for?


Well-Known Member
hey bootz...take a look at the stickies in the grow forum....those threads answered alot of the questions that I had with my AG attempt. Hope all goes well and GL!


so my light bulb blew and caught one of my plants on fire!!! my mom called 911 and i told them i had it under control and my mom knew i was growing pot lol wtf mom!! so i got one plant left hopefully my dwarf wont be affected from the smoke* any input would be nice if it does or would affect the growth?


yeah it happened i was pissed off and scared all at once..i got two more seeds left im planting them in my aerogarden tonite


Active Member
Don't let a little fire stop you!!! man how did the light bulb burst? Was it one of the ones at the top? Or an extra CFL? Maybe i can avoid the problem.


Active Member
wow your not haveing much luck with this haha just keep trying and read every thing u can on the internet about your set up u will get it right
what kinda set up do u have any pix?


yeah thanks and i did have pictures but im done wiht it and i was growing it in my aerogarden..wellim going to try to do a new blog journal on my LSD femanised seed i got thank you to evryone for stopping by