Growing... An Exercise In Patience


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU folks...
Straight up new guy here... just wanted to throw out my observations for any other new growers.
This endevor has been a learning experience that is rooted (pun intended) in patience.
In the beginning...

Researching seeds and seed banks.
Getting the balls worked up to order seeds that come right to your door.
Ordering those seeds.
Tracking those seeds.
Wondering if those seeds got hijacked by customs in New Jersey?
Wondering if those seeds got hijacked by the local post office lady?
Getting those seeds! YES!
Planting those seeds.
Waiting for germination.
Waiting for germination.
Finally, germination.
Checking that little plant every day... even every couple hours...
Watering and feeding... did I overfeed? Did I overwater? Wait and see... wait and see.
Holy crap.
I'm into the second full week of my very first grow (I'm doing aPakistan Ryder autoflower inside now and will be starting seeds in a few weeks for an outdoor grow this summer) and I have been so anxious and inpatient about seeds getting here, germinating, growing and next will be flowering...
But in the end it will be all worth the wait and worry... hopefully!
Sure has been a process so far... truly an exercise in patience!


Active Member
before ordering the seeds though, everything should be finished in the grow room.

like the list tho, made me chuckle.
