Growing from bagseed ie. Regs,Mids,Shwag..


Active Member
With proper care and nutrients will I grow dank bud?

Will I be playing Russian roulette?

Thank You kindly...



Well-Known Member
well, its possible for it to turn out better than the stuff u smoked but probs not alot better


Well-Known Member
genetics is the potential, environment is how close you come to reaching the potential. Since you don't know the genetics it could be all over the place, but that means it could be dank. If you grow in optimum conditions it will often be better than the bag it came from. This was my experience at least when I grew from bagseed...


Active Member
It was OK regs.. barely any seeds.. found about 3 in which only one germinated. The motive for my question is because I usually get regs to make brownies and cookies and this batch of regs caught my eye. Looks like it was grown well but compressed to a brick. Smoke wasn't as harsh, and smooth.

I'm going to give it a shot in a PC grow box I built recently. I plan on letting it veg for 3 weeks LST then flowering. I have no clue if its Sativa ,Rederalis or Indica..

Ill be using AN.

