Growing In The Tropics


Active Member
i live in northern australia where we have hot temps, high humidity wet season in summer and dry in the winter.

stupid question i know but.... :

do i still grow them the same as i would down south where weather is more 'normal' and just raise the pots so their feet arent constantly wet in summer?


Well-Known Member
what, raise the pots so their feet arn't constantly wet? are you growing in a pond? Plants roots need oxygen, still water has no oxygen and plants roots will drown sitting in still water. Ive heard in Australia you can grow like pure sativa's. Ive also heard of some places in Australia having the ability to grow weed year round.

East Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Jason Are you near the cane fields? I spent time in Port Douglas in 84 and smoked some good stuff from both from the table lands and the lower cane fields. You plant just like we do in Hawaii. Outside we us cinder in the bottom of the bucket for drainage, I get about 120 in of rain a year. Aloha