Growing in the UK - Options?


Active Member
Hello Boys and Girls,

I know a majority of you lot are from over the pond, and I know your police are just as hot on this!

So im planning a grow to commence in about a month, have about £1k ($2k US) to spend on some goodies.

Has anyone had any experience dealing with ESOTERIC Hydroponics or PUkka Seeds, think they are one and the same company. I was thinking of growing in either 2x2m (although ceiling at an angle so back is 2-3ft high front 6+) under the stairs or going to town on one a plastic garden shed, Line with lead or something (suggestions) insulate big time and then mylar with a 600w HPS and 6 pod EBB flood drain system.

Sick to the death of me with the quality of 'tomatoes' in this country. If its not polluted with something its pissing water out of it and smells like freshly mowed grass - THANKS China, For All Your People Smuggling of the Vietnamese!

Anyone else noticed a massive drop in Imported grade over past few years? Used to always get big bits in vac seals from Holland and now.......nothing!

ARRRRRRGH, I need to get this grow fired up!

