Growing In The Woods


Active Member
oh right i may have to check that website out.

ive been reading up on outdoor growing enough to know how to do it now

im still interested because I can talk on this thread to people who are in my country so they are familiar with the growing conditions weather etc

whereas someone in say the US wont be able to predict how well something would work in my country

ive got plenty of outdoor growing guides bookmarked ;) i just love to know different peoples take on things.

but gpd you must tell me how you are managing to grow in england outdoors at this time of year!


Active Member
U can't grow right now unless ur in the southern hemisphere, u could flower in a greenhouse in the northerner hemisphere


Well-Known Member
Anyone else constantly driving and looking for spots off the side of highways? i am always looking for obscure sites and imagining the spot and how I would get there and how to get the water and everything gets planned in my head constantly lol i cant wait for the weather to break


Well-Known Member
Haha I'm constantly thinking about stuff around the house that I could grow in. And then on the side of the highway I'm always like, "That would be a perfect spot." LOl.


Well-Known Member
Haha I'm constantly thinking about stuff around the house that I could grow in. And then on the side of the highway I'm always like, "That would be a perfect spot." LOl.
Shit yah and with this Johnny appleseed plan I am going to do some grows in some of these spots I have picked out. Some are kind of close to highways and I am hoping to be able to act a bit broke down as there are always cars abandoned for few days sometimes so its not strange for cars to be there. I have mile markers for landmarks and hoping the spots are moist enough where I can go just 1-2 times then harvest like a garden ninja


Active Member
im like that too although i never find anything to grow in, ive been contemplating a cupboard grow for so long now but its never gonna work.

its gets you all excited when you plan stuff in your head and you're like right lets go and do it then you look outside mm better wait a few months.

hmm flower in a greenhouse, i really need to see how im going to find things small enough to take up to the woods to build a greenhouse of some ort

someone has dumped that wavey plastic stuff, its seethrough and has the shape of corrugated iron, could be used to make something to hold heat in


Well-Known Member
Haha I was just thinking about making a pc case to start my clones and then i destroyed an old pc and gave up because it wouldn't work. Haha.

josh b

Well-Known Member
hey i am planning to grow in the uk this year and wondering when you are going to put them outside and if you are doing any vegetation time inside before?
i live in the south of england.


Active Member
thats what im trying to find out too dude.

i live in the south of england

well the earliest we get good weather is may, but we may get good hours of sunlight before then, just keep an eye on what time the sun rises and what time the sun goes down.

you've got 100 plants in the woods? kickass, are you in england too?

yeh i wanted to do the pc case thing with lowryder #2 but theres no way i could leave it plugged into the wall

how about making a shed in the woods

bringing up a generator and a car battery some lights and have a timer? i know it would be noisy but i could bury it and someone threw their shed out in pieces at the back of their garden next to the woods

so i just haul the shed over, dunno about getting a car battery and how long would it last.

this is how much i want to grow haha


Well-Known Member
not jacking your thread.. lol but if i try to grow in the woods do i need to look for a open spot or do you think sunlight wont be a problem

josh b

Well-Known Member
were in the south are you from man? im from hampshire lol,this morning i thought it was going to be well sunny but then it gray and clouded over within a few hours as usual.

lol man weel end up growing at the same time =) funny stuff.
i also heard that the start of spring is like 20th of march and thats a good time to put ur seedlings outside,but as u say itl probs be later cuz we had a late winter tbh.



Well-Known Member
I don't personally have 100 plants in the woods. There are just about 100 pot plants growing randomly along the trails. And nah i'm from the us.


I have plans to grow in the woods this year, as well. It will be my first. (Southeast US)
I have a very convenient spot and one that I can monitor every day. Was only planning to grow 5 plants.

I have the spot selected and am just waiting for March I guess, whenever our last frost will be in Tennessee.

I plan to just germinate the seeds, move them outdoors and let them go. Going to give them some nutes as needed but other than that I guess that's it, aside from a few things already mentioned here regarding care.

Thanks for those that have responded in here. Pretty much just reaffirmed what I had learned from my recent research. Anything else that should be noted for a grow in the woods?


Well-Known Member
2 important factors when growing outdoors
1.unless ur using pots/buckets....go now and dig ur holes! u need to know what kind of soil ur dealing w/ and what it needs. spring will be here soon! this year i'm going to mix my native soil (which is full of clay) w/ sand, cow manure, wood ash, and compost. fish guts/bodies will be at the bottom of ALL my sites because of this thread. be sure to check out post #755! (to all who have noticed i link this thread alot........ its because its frickin awesome!) got alot of other ideas/advice from this thread.
2.make sure the spot u pick will receive light!!! (should prob be no. 1) sucks to get ur girls all ready for their new home outside only to figure out ur spots now shaded 10 hrs a day! and if all else fails buy a chainsaw, or hacksaw, watevr u can use to get some pesky branches out of the way. also, if in u.s anyway, make sure spot is on south facing hill. this allows max. sun exposure thru out the day, and being on a hill promotes healthy drainage.


Active Member
were in the south are you from man? im from hampshire lol,this morning i thought it was going to be well sunny but then it gray and clouded over within a few hours as usual.

lol man weel end up growing at the same time =) funny stuff.
i also heard that the start of spring is like 20th of march and thats a good time to put ur seedlings outside,but as u say itl probs be later cuz we had a late winter tbh.

yup thats called the vernal equinox, you know summer solstice? that festival is near my city actually! thats the beginning of summer, and yes for good luck i would suggest growing on the vernal equinox

im from wiltshire, im sure youve heard of it its a shithole hah yeh we will end up growing at the same time if we are both growing at the right time

like some have suggested we must scout the places soon so we can see how rich the soil is and how much sunlight that area gets


Active Member
not jacking your thread.. lol but if i try to grow in the woods do i need to look for a open spot or do you think sunlight wont be a problem
if you get lots of sunlight then it wont be a problem, cover your plants to they receive no sunlight then it is a problem

when you look up through the canopy formed by the branches of trees look for a break, this is a spot where there are little branches and leaves and sunlight will go through this spot easily, you want to grow under a spot where there is lots of sunlight

itss gonna be hard finding the right spot, but just find a place where the trees dont block out the sunlight, theres bound to be a few spots where you get good hours of sunlight,

one guy on here said find a northfacing slope which is where the sun will be all day.

if the woods are public dont leave them out in the open, find a spot which is hdiden but which still receives sunlight, if you have a place which is covered from one angle by a hedge then thats good too as it gives it one less angle in which it can be seen from.


Active Member
Anything else that should be noted for a grow in the woods?
well i would suggest growing near some stinging nettles as they look similar and depending on what the demographic is in your area, mine is full of old people, they wont be able to notice the plant because it wont stick out as an unusual plant it will look like a stinging nettle, untilk it is budding anyway, but it should cover your ass for the flowering, im not 100% sure.

well the things to remember are just dont leave trails, use precuations so as to stop animals from eating your plants, like pissing near your crop, this is what animals do to mark their territory as you all know.

plant them in pots so you can remove the males then if you want to use the earths soil dig holes to move the plants into, the roots can only go down to where the pot or bucket stops, but once youve got all females, take them out and their roots can go down really far.

man ive written lots and im not even high


Active Member
on a final note im glad to see this thread has a mixture of first time growers and people who can offer advice to them, including me, i think i have the knowledge but not the practical experience, so anything i offer is quoted from somewhere else where i read it. i will start a grow journal when i can, i cant wait for march to grow weed, i have about 100 seeds so im hoping for a fair amount of females

IS ANYONE GOING TO THE WEED PROTEST THING IN HYDE PARK? i want to go but only if its a bunch of people sitting around gettin high not actually marching haha check out the facebook grouo

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