Growing In The Woods


Well-Known Member
man im way in over my head here i hope i can pull it off. cheers for saying about when the best time to plant is, ill start it sonner than may if the weather stays good and we get some good weather early, i dont know what size buckets i've got but i cant find many of them and id have to walk a long way into the woods.

so fuck knwos what i can do i do want to dig a hole and fill it with compost but then i cant seperate the males

so all i can do is try to find a bag of compost somewhere drag it all the way to the woods and then fill each bucket with it

ive got about 100 seeds but only about 6 buckets ha

is it wise to just plant them straight into the ground leaving adequate space?

cos not much grows in these woods, which is why i thought i should bring my own grow medium, but i'd love the plants to just grow using the natural soil

so advice? is growing in buckets with compost the best way for me to do this?

1. fuck buckets.

2. you dont need a grow medium, soil is your grow medium lol.

3. click this link...

4. check my grow out. no fert's no nuets. just weed growing in the woods.


Active Member
man im way in over my head here i hope i can pull it off. cheers for saying about when the best time to plant is, ill start it sonner than may if the weather stays good and we get some good weather early, i dont know what size buckets i've got but i cant find many of them and id have to walk a long way into the woods.

so fuck knwos what i can do i do want to dig a hole and fill it with compost but then i cant seperate the males

so all i can do is try to find a bag of compost somewhere drag it all the way to the woods and then fill each bucket with it

ive got about 100 seeds but only about 6 buckets ha

is it wise to just plant them straight into the ground leaving adequate space?

cos not much grows in these woods, which is why i thought i should bring my own grow medium, but i'd love the plants to just grow using the natural soil

so advice? is growing in buckets with compost the best way for me to do this?
i will be doing the same as u apart from only two plants. im in the south east of england aswell. u will be ok as long as u get ur self organised:joint: i have had many sleepness night doing my homework, im surprised my head is still in one piece:shock:

The best way would be to start the seeds off now indoors (if u can) and to plant in may coz the frost will kill them otherwise. try and not be fooled by the nice weather we are having coz it will come. also like i said in my first thread we are in the north hem (NOT SOUTH) so we need a south facing sun. im going to be planting in the ground to save lagging shit back and too the site and to save abit of money aswell. im also am going to get some bone,blood ect from wilkos (really Cheap check out website) to amend the soil 2weeks befor i plant.

Apart from that dude keep doing what ur doing, u r doing ok. its very stressfull i know but just think of that nice end result:hump: :peace:
Ok guys I have read your post and I too grow in the woods. If you want some good size plants with good size yields you need to plant them babies now. Especially if you live in the southern hemisphere. NOW!!! Start by germinating 10 to 15 seeds at a time. You can do this by getting a clean plate from your kitchen about four paper towels and enough cling rap to cover the plate. Fold the paper towels all together into a square and place in center of plate. Next wet the paper towels and allow extra water to run off the side of the plate. Open paper towels and place seeds in rows of 5 x 5 cover them with other half of paper towel and place cling rap over plate. Wait two days until seeds germinate and place them in a growing medium of some sort. I usually plant 5 to ten seeds in one pot at this stage. After a day or so the seeds will emerge from soil. Now place under any kinda light until they turn green. I personally use two household cfl bubls to do this. They are small during this time period thus requiring less light. They are now ready to plant wherever youd like. This entire process can be completed in four days time. The root system of the plants when they are at this stage is very small that is why I plant so many n one pot. They can simply be dug up one at a time when placing them in your grow spots. Please be very gentle with them while doing this because they are very delicate. Remember not to plant all in one spot this is very risky. Make sure you have something to enclose around the seedlings while they are young to keep out pests. Fishing line, chicken wire, fencing etc. You dont have to water nature will take care of that for you. Fertilize only if neccessary which in most cases is not. I keep my plants fenced in with chicken wire throughout the entire growing process. This eleminates any worries of predators eating my girls. in my experience males will show sex before females to ensure pollination. get rid of them as soon as they show their nuts and you will have a beautiful batch of grass come fall.


Active Member
mate u guys r legends

help me out a liiittle bit more

i should begin germinating my seeds during the day two days before im gonna go out so two days later in the afternoon they will be done?

how can i check on them or do i just wait two days and then uncover them just to check

then do i keep them in the wet twoel whilst im transporting them?

so next make a hole about 2 inches deep plant the seed then cover with dirt#

do noobs take too long to get going and lunch out on grows bedcause they think too much at th ebeginning

should they ujust think fuc it put it in the soil

also should my soil be good for growth if there isnt much growing out of the ground in my spot.

so should i take my own soil up or find a grassy spot of soil cos i want plants to be able to grow in this crappy soil.

i sould be sorted next week!!!!!


Active Member
oo and im fucked out of my face.

so tomorrow busy
monday start germ
tuesday do nothing
wednesday check on germ and take to woods to plant?
thursday busy friday busy so then check on them saturday or sunday

would that be ok or should i check back sooner


Well-Known Member
a little advice...

germ for a couple days like 4-5 maybe more you want an inch 1/2 long. dont make a 2 inch hole.. put seedling about 1/4-1/2 inch under soil and lightly cover up.

in about 3-5 days you will have life. wait aleast another 2weeks till u put outside.

then they will be able to survive storms.

and i wouldent even go back thier twice a day. maybe 1 if it dont rain. if you dont have to water dont go back thier.

belive me i learnd from lastyears grow.

pz. d-Bo.


Well-Known Member
already put my 5 babies outside. I am just afraid that critters will get them because they only have their 2 fan leaves atm. I know i threw them outside too soon, but i couldnt keep them indoors for the next week. Do you think they will be fine?


Well-Known Member
yeah mine are doing great,

no worries
Speak of the devil i went out to check on them and one of them was torn up. I saw something dug it up and it had some nibbles taken out, and barely any roots left. So i brought it inside and im trying to rehabilitate it. I doubt it will make it tho, it was dry and had no roots really from being ripped out.


Well-Known Member
Speak of the devil i went out to check on them and one of them was torn up. I saw something dug it up and it had some nibbles taken out, and barely any roots left. So i brought it inside and im trying to rehabilitate it. I doubt it will make it tho, it was dry and had no roots really from being ripped out.

its bc your plant was too small.

many small animals like rodents will eat small seedlings. rabbits things of that nature.



Well-Known Member
its bc your plant was too small.

many small animals like rodents will eat small seedlings. rabbits things of that nature.

Yeah i think today i will take a little time to construct little foot tall chicken wire cages just so they can survive when they are seedlings. I wana keep them small to avoid attention and i only really have to protect them when they are young.

josh b

Well-Known Member
Ite mate its been time how u doin,we been getting some nice day's,it was 22 yesterday lol so my hopes are up even more.

All my 15 are about 6" tall now and staying bushy gonna put them out in 3-4 weeks.

How are you getting on with your grow man

cya soo0n



Well-Known Member
Yeah i think today i will take a little time to construct little foot tall chicken wire cages just so they can survive when they are seedlings. I wana keep them small to avoid attention and i only really have to protect them when they are young.

you need to learn to LST.

low strength training.... its made to keep plants low to the ground.


Well-Known Member
you need to learn to LST.

low strength training.... its made to keep plants low to the ground.
I already know about LST, how to do it, etc... I am just a paranoid person and i know if someone is walking by just by chance a large chicken wire cage eill really stick out. I don't want to LST though because i am not worried about the size since the spot i picked does not get a bunch of light and the soil is not smazing, so i only plan on them getting 3ft tall. Also if i LST and someone walks by, they will know someone is growing them insteadof thinking its natural and maybe call the cops. I will probabally top them though
Man you only need to germinate in the paper towels for two days max its only to get the roots started. I do it every year with nearly 100 percent success. Sure check on them after a day and see if any has cracked if so plant them in a solo cups filled with soil from your grow area for quicker adaptations to outside conditions. Plant them with white root facing towards the bottom of solo cup. Only go deep enough with your seed into the soil to barely cover it so that it is easy for it to break the surface. After the seed breaks the surface place them under any kinda household light until they are completey green in color. The seed casing will fall all before this happens and in some cases can use a little help getting it off but be gentle. Once they turn green plant them outdoors in your gro sights. It works every time buddy I promise you.


i started 7 wonder womans about 3 weeks ago in southern england they seem to be ok but are growing pretty slow they are in a greenhouse at the moment il try and get some pics up


Well-Known Member
Man you only need to germinate in the paper towels for two days max its only to get the roots started. I do it every year with nearly 100 percent success. Sure check on them after a day and see if any has cracked if so plant them in a solo cups filled with soil from your grow area for quicker adaptations to outside conditions. Plant them with white root facing towards the bottom of solo cup. Only go deep enough with your seed into the soil to barely cover it so that it is easy for it to break the surface. After the seed breaks the surface place them under any kinda household light until they are completey green in color. The seed casing will fall all before this happens and in some cases can use a little help getting it off but be gentle. Once they turn green plant them outdoors in your gro sights. It works every time buddy I promise you.

says the guy with 9 posts


Active Member
hey dude come on it doesnt matter how much u post, people have been growing long before the internet was invented lol

well how about i just check on them in 2days and if its enough just take them out, i do understand i should start them off inside, i guess i could keep them in my cupboard as they wont smell when they are really small but they wont get any light!!

so im gonna have to start them off in the woods and just fence off the place with whatever vicious looking material i can


Active Member
Ite mate its been time how u doin,we been getting some nice day's,it was 22 yesterday lol so my hopes are up even more.

All my 15 are about 6" tall now and staying bushy gonna put them out in 3-4 weeks.

How are you getting on with your grow man

cya soo0n


hey josh that sounds fucking awesome ur a lot further ahead than me then lol

ive gotten nowhere still but im gonna start germinating tomorrow

what kind of soil have u put them in, i dont have any compost or any way of getting any up there which sucks so im just gonna have to find a grassy area which i know supports life

still ill let u know on wednesday once i find the perfect spot and plant the plants!