growing outdoors in shade


Well-Known Member
I'm well aware that the less a plant receives light the less it can grow and the less it will yield, but has anyone grown in an almost totally shaded area? If you have, how did it turn out?

I'm looking at growing in a forested area with a dense canopy that doesn't let a lot of light through, perhaps just a couple hours of continuous direct light every day.

Think it will work for someone who doesn't need a large harvest?

Regardless, I will keep an eye out for a brighter spot I would feel safe growing in, but any insights on the spot I've chosen would be nice


Active Member
ive grown in shade here in florida.........not full shade but trees always blocked most of the worked out great... the plants flowered and everything... in the end i had very decent bud from some bagseed. Its also great because the soil in the pots didn't dry out as fast. so i would only water once a week

This year im done with the shade and im leaving my Himalayan Gold plants in the full sun :D

shades should go for it bro


New Member
I will be doing dappled shade in about a month. ill keep you posted. Im using a large oak hammock which gives average dappled shade most of the day. Don't forget that florida has extremely bright days. It's not really about the heat (to the plant that is), its the lumens. Florida can outgrow just about any other state. I get three harvests a year without overlap. We have more sun hours and we have more lumens per sq/ft.