Growing Outside tricks


Well-Known Member
OKay I'm an experienced indoor grower but my indoor setup can barley sustain me with bud, I require large amounts, but as space is limited and I've reached the max I can and still be stealthy I have decided to try my hand outside. I've trolled the internet for months reading up on outside growing and the grow journals here but I'm reading a lot of the same things over and over and am not finding the information really useful. I understand the basic ideas but wanted to know first hand of any good reads which cover outdoor growing. I've been looking for something like DEA book on how to spot outside marijuana, come on I know there has to be some tell all book some where. I was able to fine the DEA training manual here on an old post but it didn't have anything to do with finding marijuana outside. Thanks for any info and if you have an outside growing trick or and idea for something new post it up PLEASE. Happy token


Well-Known Member
its simple. dont plant them all together. space them out. it used to be difficult but now it is ez for me to grow mass nugs outside. get yourself a gps:D walk around and find places that have light and preferably a stream or something close by so you dont have to lug water around. plant them jonney appleseed style and mark that point with your gps. you can now find them at 5am if you want to:D just dont put alot in one spot as its about immposable to spot one plant from the sky. also you can climb trees and strap a bucket in the tree and grow them there. it works well if animals are a factor.


Active Member
its simple. dont plant them all together. space them out. it used to be difficult but now it is ez for me to grow mass nugs outside. get yourself a gps:D walk around and find places that have light and preferably a stream or something close by so you dont have to lug water around. plant them jonney appleseed style and mark that point with your gps. you can now find them at 5am if you want to:D just dont put alot in one spot as its about immposable to spot one plant from the sky. also you can climb trees and strap a bucket in the tree and grow them there. it works well if animals are a factor.

Ha, that would be a site to see


Well-Known Member
GPS......i plant in groups of five along water ways that have canoe access. if the water table is close the tap root will hit it and even in a dry spell they are ok.


Well-Known Member
Yah I have read the in tree grow but I just think that a choper or ultra light which is the big problem here would really see the green plant in the pine tree. I mean really how hard would it be to spot a plant on top of a tree.


Well-Known Member
come on someone holding out, where's the best place to grow highway right ways, railroad right aways. power lines, creeks, south facing mountains, Next to bushes, rivers, creeks, islands, where are the tried and tested and currently used places someone here has to have that great tip pass the knowledge PLEASE


Well-Known Member
where i live, close to city outskirts, ican walk to train trax, and go for miles of nothing. and for bout a hole mile theres a steep hill next to the treax. so ima grow sumwhere up in there. but ima subscribe to dis here, and id also appreciate any better locations/tips.........:peace: