Growing.... Sideways?


Active Member
Ok. Most people know, and i'm willing to bet at least 90% of members of this very board know, about topsy turvy.

I never thought that some wack-job would try and grow a plant in the air upside down. One, it defies some basic logical deductions of plant growing. Two, when something isn't broke why fix it (mother nature, putting plants in the ground.... has worked for some odd millions of years.)?

But hey, maybe it's a step in the right direction. If we can start using the skies as crop fields we'll end world hunger....

... anyways!

It got me thinking. Can you grow a plant sideways?

I was on my toilet, where i do + 75% of all my good thinking. And i opened the door to the cabinet under the sink.

The way it's set up, and possibly for most others, is 2 swinging doors. above those, to shelves that would slide out, but they're purely aesthetic. So where those shelve should be is an empty space not being used. well right between them is the bowl for the sink... but you know.

If i framed a box onto that top part, could i make a stealth-SIDEWAYS- grow box, much like a PC grow, only not a pc grow

:joint:Smoke one and think about it.


Well-Known Member
i thought about this a few times. growing a plant sideways and you could expose all sides to max lighting. not sure how it would work out, would love to see


Well-Known Member
yes you can there are systems that you grow them sideways all around with a light in the middle