Growing Sour Diesel Outdoors in Southern Appalachia!??????? Help!

Hello Rollitup,

Let me start out by saying that this site is amazing, and I am a huge fan of what you guys are doing. You have most certainly been helping noobies such as myself immensely.

Okay, let me get down to business. I will be starting my first grow this May, and I have a bit of experience with growing as I helped my father complete his last indoor grow before he passed. I am just a bit discouraged seeing as how this is my first grow on my own. First question I pose is whether or not my environment could be conducive for growing Sour Diesel outdoors. Sour D is my favorite strain thus far, and I would like to know if anyone has had any experience with growing this particular strain outdoors near my region. I have been focusing mainly on Royal Queens version of SD. I know I can grow it indoors, but with the long flowering time, I have my doubts as far as outdoor growing is concerned. I have consulted my regional almanac, and it states that the average first frost for my area comes after Oct. 12. Seeing as how most sources say the harvest time for RQ SD is late October, I have reasonable doubt I can finish it in time. Also, seeing as how I can't start my plants indoors, would that effect my finishing time? If SD is a no go for my area, what other strains would you recommend? Something similar preferably. High yield is also preferred as I will only be growing four plants this year.

On another note, I am also going to be planting Critical Jack by Dinafem. I have no doubts about this strain. I'm just excited to get my grow on the road. Thanks a ton in advance. Also, if I get a good response I will be posting a grow journal. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Start them indoors and you'll have no problem finishing. Growing Critical Jack now and I have to say it smells amazing,m looks amazing...Can't wait to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if starting indoors will be much help if its a photo plant. If it has a long flowering period it will be a crap shoot before frost gets them. Another huge issue is mold near the end due to excessive moisture and low temps. I live north of you and try to get them out of the ground mid September or risk bud rot, but like i said its a crap shoot. Maybe a 60 day strain would be a better choice. Good luck with your choice and grow.


Well-Known Member
Also was going to mention that some strains I have grown will tolerate a frost or two if they are big and in full sun.


Well-Known Member
If ur growing the plant outside then it will flower when the amount of daytime hours reach 12 hrs. So for you probably not until late summer. U would be better off if u could move it in and out of some kind of structure to manipulate the amount of light it gets. But if ur growing in some remote guerilla grow in the mtns then it might be difficult. Can u grow a few different strains? Here's leafly's review on the D. It says Sativa so yeah, a longer flowering time but I still would give it a try if it were me.
Thank you all for your replies! I have decided to to just grow one SD plant instead of two. I am planning on growing in the high mountains just off of my 21 acres, also bringing them indoors or starting them indoors just isn't an option as I plan to put them in the ground. I do worry about mold seeing as how I live in a sub-tropical "humid" climate. But I suppose I will just have to keep a close eye on them. I'm am also planning on using Neem oil for pests. It also says Anti-fungal on the bottle. Shouldn't that help for mold? Yes, I am expecting a crapshoot. It's all really up in the air at this point. I wish I hadn't sold my dads three 1000w HPS's. I wouldn't be worrying so much. Once again, thanks for the replies!
Also, yes, I can grow a few different strains. Like I said, I am open for suggestions. Factors I am concerned with are yield, flowering time, potency, and if at all possible I would like it to be a diesel or skunk strain.


Well-Known Member
I had good luck with Skunk#1 in my area. Blue berry was the goto strain for me until we lost the moms! The blueberry was prone to bud rot though due to extremely tight buds. A few guys I know have good luck with strawberry cough, and White domina is an early finisher as well. I'm sure there are lots of kickass strains that will work. My plan this season is a few auto's for an early harvest as well as the regs. Goid luck with your choice!