Growing Techniques for maximum CBD(Cannabidiol) content?


Well-Known Member
I went to a MCC class and they were saying to leave more of the leaf on the bud when you trim for max CBD
yeah sure.. the bud leafs are covered in resin.. why trim them.. unless you want them for some kind of processing..

I always used to think the calyx was the CBD.. still possible... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
How would a mass spec help?
google it if your not sure what it does...

and once more for people who don't get it..

cannabis isn't just about THC.. its just a partner in the whole corporation.. the rest of the cannabinoids (CBN. CBD CBC etc) are a must for a good high. and in my eyes are the better cannabinoids... too much THC is a bad thing my friend.. especially on a weak mind... :eyesmoke: and pretty much anybodies mind...


New Member
OK just smoking and thinking. since leaves turn amber before buds it make ~alittle~ sense that there would be more CBD in the glands on the leaves. but i don't think it would be that great a diff.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
OK just smoking and thinking. since leaves turn amber before buds it make ~alittle~ sense that there would be more CBD in the glands on the leaves. but i don't think it would be that great a diff.:eyesmoke:
There is growing opinion that it does. It's just enough to step on the paranoia. I personally like that feeling. The initial feeling of oh no! It invigorates me. I think that's part of the reason I smoke. It's all individual choice.


Well-Known Member

(1) Get leaves that are dry

(2) get bud

(3) roll 2 doobies, 1 with just bud one with leaf and bud
(may need to roll 2 doobies for the bud leaf mix, make the mix 50/50)

(4) tell us how it went

Give results to prove theory!

surely the people of RIU can participate in this....really...all i'm saying is smoke some weed, is it too much to ask? :)



Well-Known Member

(1) Get leaves that are dry

(2) get bud

(3) roll 2 doobies, 1 with just bud one with leaf and bud
(may need to roll 2 doobies for the bud leaf mix, make the mix 50/50)

(4) tell us how it went

Give results to prove theory!

surely the people of RIU can participate in this....really...all i'm saying is smoke some weed, is it too much to ask? :)

I grow for my daughter because she has TMJ and gets migraines. She won't smoke anything else because she totally can bug out. One time she was so bad she accused her boyfriend of trying to rape her even though she didn't feel that way not stoned. One time she itched her skin until she was bleeding. That was before I started growing. Now I grow an OG Kush strain for her, leave it until late in the harvest and leave some of the bud leaves on. It helps her sleep and not think about the TMJ.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear it mate...

So leaving the bud leaves on helps?
I don't mean to be insensitive but whats TMJ?



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear it mate...

So leaving the bud leaves on helps?
I don't mean to be insensitive but whats TMJ?

yes the bud leaves help. It's not something that consumers are ready for because they don't understand. Maybe for consumers you could offer pre rolled and say they are bred to minimize paranoia. TMJ is a jaw disorder. Her jaw doesn't fit together right and she clenches and gets migraines. She's studying for the bar so migraines are not an option.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not keeping up with my thread, had a death in the family and a change of residence(no adsl) so its taken up all my time.

Just going to read through all the new posts and get back on track.

first I would like to send my condolences regarding the death in your fam. I to suffer from anxiety that can lead to panic attacks and more often than not stem from smoking or vaporizing marijuana. I am also a grower and find it quite difficult that I cannot enjoy the fruits of my labor so I to have begun extensive research try to find a way to enjoy my herb once again. I to have found that CBD CBN CBG and all other forms of cannabidiods in relation to THC/THCV content have a profound effect on anxiety prone people. So currently I am growing PPP (pure power plant) a south African based strain with fairly high THC/THCV (the later of the two quite bad for people with anxiety) and next to no Cannabidiods also this strain claims to have a very fast flower time for a sativa 8-9 wks also bad for people who suffer from anxiety in my opinion at this point of 8-9 wks the trichomes are about 70%clear 30%cloudy and 0% amber I have smoked the herb at this point and I can only Handel small doses and even still I am restless jumpy and my mind can't rest and this is at 4am after a long day I have also smoked PPP in the form of bubble hash and you can multiply my symptoms by10. So after my last harvest I have kept one plant back and she is at day 70 of flower and still very little amber mabey 5% 20%clear and 75%cloudy but I am in it for the long haul I am going to let this plant go full amber and test it's effects and if they are good I will dial back from there I will also be trying this technique on an indica Dom strain sharksbreath (great white shark/lambsbread) and a 60/40 indica sativa called purple wreck(purple urkel/train wreck) and will document and post my findings in future threads. Sorry for the very long post I hope you find it helpful.


Well-Known Member
first I would like to send my condolences regarding the death in your fam. I to suffer from anxiety that can lead to panic attacks and more often than not stem from smoking or vaporizing marijuana. I am also a grower and find it quite difficult that I cannot enjoy the fruits of my labor so I to have begun extensive research try to find a way to enjoy my herb once again. I to have found that CBD CBN CBG and all other forms of cannabidiods in relation to THC/THCV content have a profound effect on anxiety prone people. So currently I am growing PPP (pure power plant) a south African based strain with fairly high THC/THCV (the later of the two quite bad for people with anxiety) and next to no Cannabidiods also this strain claims to have a very fast flower time for a sativa 8-9 wks also bad for people who suffer from anxiety in my opinion at this point of 8-9 wks the trichomes are about 70%clear 30%cloudy and 0% amber I have smoked the herb at this point and I can only Handel small doses and even still I am restless jumpy and my mind can't rest and this is at 4am after a long day I have also smoked PPP in the form of bubble hash and you can multiply my symptoms by10. So after my last harvest I have kept one plant back and she is at day 70 of flower and still very little amber mabey 5% 20%clear and 75%cloudy but I am in it for the long haul I am going to let this plant go full amber and test it's effects and if they are good I will dial back from there I will also be trying this technique on an indica Dom strain sharksbreath (great white shark/lambsbread) and a 60/40 indica sativa called purple wreck(purple urkel/train wreck) and will document and post my findings in future threads. Sorry for the very long post I hope you find it helpful.
I found your thread very helpful and im looking very forward to any results you get.

Cheers and thanks for the condolences.

Im interested in mixing leaf in with the flowers as well but i find it hard to come across any leaf as i don't have any real direct contact with growers, this will have to wait until i can "excrement with my own".

I found your thread very helpful and im looking very forward to any results you get.

Cheers and thanks for the condolences.

Im interested in mixing leaf in with the flowers as well but i find it hard to come across any leaf as i don't have any real direct contact with growers, this will have to wait until i can "excrement with my own".

Well when I do harvest the PPP plant I will make sure to leave some leaf behind they are all turning purple now anyway and it will feel good to smoke some purp even if it's just leaf. I do beleive that CBD/CBN are in higher concentrations in the leaf sooner than the rest of the plant as the trichomes here tend to amber first but that may be irelevent because I intend to let the plant as a whole mature to amber trichomes although if CBD is found more in plant matter than I may feel a difference. I will try smoking a bud with leaf and one without and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Well when I do harvest the PPP plant I will make sure to leave some leaf behind they are all turning purple now anyway and it will feel good to smoke some purp even if it's just leaf. I do beleive that CBD/CBN are in higher concentrations in the leaf sooner than the rest of the plant as the trichomes here tend to amber first but that may be irelevent because I intend to let the plant as a whole mature to amber trichomes although if CBD is found more in plant matter than I may feel a difference. I will try smoking a bud with leaf and one without and see what happens.
Sounds good dude, look forward to hearing the outcome, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey jonro not sure if anyone has said this yet but i figured id put my two cents in anyways. In order to raise CBD and CBN ratios in bud all you have to do is extend the period that your plants are flowered. The degrading THC in the plant will naturally break down into these other components. Now thats not to say that the THC will decrease significantly but it will naturally increase the CBD in the plants as the trichs amber over. Ive heard it put " Dont chop till they flop" hah blunt but true. Also id check some seedbanks to see if you can find some higher CBD levels in certain strains, they usually will list them. Thats all i have hope it helps....