Growing time.

sukoshi kiddo

Active Member
Ok im looking at seeds on the internet and it is saying that the harvesting time ((the whole time it takes for the plant to get done and to harvest)) takes about 9 months some say about 8-9 months is this true because i want to get white widow skunk and it says that it is going to take about 11 months untill i can harvest it, the site i want to buy from is the only website with white widow skunk that is feminized and all the other websites say even for other types of weed it takes about 8 or more months untill harvest time. IS THIS TRUE!!!?


Well-Known Member
Are you mis-reading months for weeks? Most plants/strains are good if you veg for a month and flower for 2months. Some are fine starting 12/12 from seed and you'll be smoking the plant at about 75-90days from start.

Haven't really heard of anything taking 9-12 months unless you are growing a large tree.....a very VERY large tree.

Peace - OGH


Well-Known Member
yeah bro - thats gotta be weeks... the longest flowering strain i've heard of is some original haze which can take up to 16 weeks to flower...

edit: follow oldgrayhairs advice, budget for 3 months per harvest, give or take a week or 2