growing weed in prison new help


Well-Known Member
Why are we giving this guy serious advice? While I understand that following the law and growing pot are not typcially conducive, shouldn't all precautions be takin to avoid getting caught? I mean there are people on here giving out advice that WILL INEVITABLY RESULTS IN MORE JAIL TIME. Bad show.....


Well-Known Member
Why are we giving this guy serious advice? While I understand that following the law and growing pot are not typcially conducive, shouldn't all precautions be takin to avoid getting caught? I mean there are people on here giving out advice that WILL INEVITABLY RESULTS IN MORE JAIL TIME. Bad show.....

Did you even read his original post? Hes doing it just to say "fuck you" to the man. He wants to make a statement, they put him in jail for growing a plant, so he wants to grow that plant in jail to prove a point, its just a plant.

I say all the power to you.



Well-Known Member
I read the whole thread. Actually he didn't say that in his original post, it was a sunsequent one, to be factual.

Second, who cares why? If someone wants your help jumping off a bridge do you ask them why they wanna jump? Making a statement sounds great. Why don't you make a statement by getting out as soon as you fucking can and growing some dank on the DL this time!!


Well-Known Member
If he's caught they can add thirty days maximum to his sentence or call the police and have him charged with cultivation, they normally only call police if you seriously injure a screw or if you kill another prisoner so he's not risking a lot.

Most likely they'd move him to a cat B prison, loss of privileges (visits,prison shop etc.) and an extra couple of weeks on to his time.:peace:


Well-Known Member
A shit load of seeds lao......Could you just plant the weed in your bum just spend lots of time
with the pants down around your knees.

If you are an actual OG the government warrior i pronounce you retired during the time served quit being so anal.


Well-Known Member
dude you should just plant shit loads of seeds in really obscure places and in like 2-3 seasons it'll just be growing everywhere around the prison...

and they'll probably never be able to get rid of all the plants esp. if there are wooded areas near by.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of potassium in tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli. As far as phosphorous, lot of it in meat and dairy products, also dark colas such as Coke or Pepsi are high in phosphorous. Actually the colas have phosphorous acid which causes our bodies to absorb the phosphorous immediatley into our stomach lining as opposed to being absorbed into our digestive tract which makes it high in phosphorous for humans and animals. Not sure if plant roots would absorb it the same way as our stomach lining though. Lots of standard foods have those nutrients in them, the trick is getting them into an absorbable form for plants.


Well-Known Member
flash...i didnt read the whole thread because Im lazy..i dont know much about cat c uk jails, but if you have some "open" areas...i say go for it man!!! LST them bitches so they dont get all tall and shit..

you will be the first dude in history to grow weed in jail. godspeed to ya my friend


Well-Known Member

well,i have been away from my pc for a while because of xmas and all looks like lots of you have got something to say on this subject.
most of you fella's are from the usa or canada so dont understand the uk jail system.i know if i was over there i would have no chance of growing pot in jail.
but most uk prisons are holiday camps apart from a handful of cat a and cat b jails.and i dont want to grow the weed to smoke or even to crop it.(there is lots of drugs in uk prisons already)
i guess i want the prison screws (officers) to find it growing,but would be good to get it to bud before they find it.nothing will stop me from growing a natural plant that has been growing freely for thousands and thousands of years before it the powers that be deside we are not aloud to grow/smoke would piss the screws off at the prison and would make a good story if the press got hold of it.

any how,i am back at my pc most days so if you got anything to say give me a holla


Well-Known Member

well,i have been away from my pc for a while because of xmas and all looks like lots of you have got something to say on this subject.
most of you fella's are from the usa or canada so dont understand the uk jail system.i know if i was over there i would have no chance of growing pot in jail.
but most uk prisons are holiday camps apart from a handful of cat a and cat b jails.and i dont want to grow the weed to smoke or even to crop it.(there is lots of drugs in uk prisons already)
i guess i want the prison screws (officers) to find it growing,but would be good to get it to bud before they find it.nothing will stop me from growing a natural plant that has been growing freely for thousands and thousands of years before it the powers that be deside we are not aloud to grow/smoke would piss the screws off at the prison and would make a good story if the press got hold of it.

any how,i am back at my pc most days so if you got anything to say give me a holla

i look forward to reading that article on yahoo. lol.:weed:


Well-Known Member
this is some funny shit. i cant even begin to understand where your comin from but , ill offer my advice. if you eat meat only your poo should be very high in nitrogen for veg. if you eat only fruit your poo should be high in phosphorus for flower. its just like bat guano, N guanos come from insect eating bats and, P guano comes from fruit eating bats.

plant tons of it so it gets on the news!:clap:

although, do you really want to risk more time in jail just to make a point?

if i were as hard headed (massive understatment!) and didnt care about living my life in jail, i would do the time as quick as possible and plant shitloads everywhere when i got out. make money, get pussy, freedom you know all that stuff. to each his own good luck???????????


Well-Known Member
if i had like 10/20 seeds and just throw them into a flower bed with loads of little border plants (there is a place in the prison near the visting centre we have to walk past on the way from the wing to the visting centre) what kind of chance would they have of greming?
or if i droped them at the edge of the border and stood on them....some should take,or if i wrap them in toilet roll and then wet it and throw that into the flower bed ?

any idea's ? or thoughts ?