Guerrila growing and "The drive back carrying 20 pounds of weed" problem. Any advice?

I think you might need to trim/dry on sight and package air tight. How long you think it would take you to trim that much ? lol

Im gonna camp in the wood at the last week of october and the first of november...i might even have a frend with me so im guessing We could trim that in a little less than a week...


Well-Known Member
Just be normal. Check all your lights. Drive during the day or late after noon. Get to your location around 8. If you don't give them a reason to stop you you will be fine., ill:

1. Do a insurence and registration check before i head out as well as a light and signals check...

2. Ill do it in morning rush hour, just fells safer to me...dont know why.

3. Ill pack it in garbage bags underneat a bunch of real smelly garbage on top...

4. Drive carfully

5. And have a decoy in front in case something goes wrong...

I really liked the towing ideas... but the drive back from my spot is 4 hours... ill check at how much this would cost.

THX Guys!!
Go to harbor freight tools (or cheap place), purchase two tire irons . When the time comes, break the bead on a spare tire or two, put the weed in the tire/'s pop the bead back in place, toss the cheap tire tools in the weeds and drive home.

I remember listening to the police scanner one night, and the dispatcher says " ok guys, its after 11:00 pm so any vehicles you see are probably either drunk drivers or drivers on there way to get drunk".

If you think about it, there are many hiding places in a car that would require a search warant, and a lot of effort (cops dont like to work anymore than criminals do)!
Now thats an idea. You could fit a good amount inside with a boofer tire.

Thumbs up for creativity! Id share a joint for an idea like that.



Well-Known Member
Dude ... all that advice up there is going to get you busted. Here is how you do it:

Compress (use a car jack and home made press) and plastic wrap up all the weed into bricks. Do not leave finger prints on the plastic. Wrap each brick in heavy layers of aluminum foil.

Get some carburator cleaner and spray down the foil wrapped bricks - this gets rid of all the odors.

Hide the bricks under the backseats of your car. Open the hood of your car and use some wire cutters to do some inexpensive damage to the starter, like cut out some copper wires or something.

Call a towing company to have tha car towed to a repair shop, and pay somebody to replace the cut wires, then drive the car home.

If you get caught, do not tell the cops anything. Let your lawyer make the argument that either the tow truck driver or the car mechanic stashed the bricks in your car. If you can afford it, have the tow truck driver haul your car all the way home.

Another way to do it is buy an old car that doesn't run, stash the weed in the car, and have the hooptie hauled to your house. Imagine your surprise when you discover all the weed hidden under the back seat!!! Sell the hooptie after you remove your pot.
Hes going to take a press out in the woods and brick his weed?!?! no offense but this seems like the most far fetched idea i have heard to get it out yet. Maybe an idea for traveling long distances once its out of the woods but not to get it out of the woods to your trimming location.


Active Member
Very important after you harvest get a hotel nearest to where you will be harvesting cuts down your plants put them all in garbage bags then go back to the hotel then vacuum seal them up for the drive home most importantly make sure you are completely legit plates, insurance, brake lights etc..... Also make sure that you dont smoke a fatty on the way home or get stoned before you leave countless people make that mistake


Well-Known Member
Hey dudes, iv been growing in my backyard for 3 years now and had some preety good results. Overall, my harvest incresed evrey year wich means I am learning...but this year im taking it a step further. Due to the fact that I moved to inner city Montreal, guerrila growing is my only option.

Im extremly exited. I even have trouble sleeping at night somtimes. Since Im going deep in the woods this year, im also going to go a little bigger in terms of the number of plants that ill have... its either 10 plants that im gonna LST or 30 plants that im gonna guessing that both will harvest around the same amount...

Anyways heres the problem... im not even sure I wanna do this due to the 3 hour drive that id have to take carrying the 10 to 20 pounds of weed from my spot to my drying A hole year of supply or nothing at all comes down to the decision of taking this drive or not.

I mean, I cant be the only one who was concerned about this... Im probably gonna do the grow anyways, but I was wondering how you guys have dealt with this??

Is the answer simply to... grow some balls... do a very good vehicul check up in order to not get pulled over for sum stupid like a dead braking light... drive carfully and hope to not be a "random selected candidate" for a police check-up...??

Carrying that much weed will probably give me a heart attack just by seeing a cop lol... sould i do this drive at like 2am or somthing?? or is that even more suspicious??

Thx for the help guys!

I'll add my story here from last year in a moment. Why do you need to drive so far?. You would be surprised at how many places can be used in urban type environments. You just have to look for them. I spend more time scoping potential sites than I do using them. If I think there might be a risk of discovery, I'll test the site with bagseed...then if all goes well it's on come the second year. The 2 riskiest times for growers are planting, and of course harvesting.

Last Fall I drove to harvest thinking I could fit everything from 2 measly plants in 2 day packs, both were in excess of 8'...and of course the buds wouldn't fit without smashing them in there. I always carry my digital camera, gives me a valid reason to be anywhere at anytime. So I had a choice b/c there was no way in hell I was making 2 trips, smash them or walk out with trash bags. I walked out with the bags, and dropped them about 200 yards from the car. Then I walked to car, made sure the coast was clear and went back. Here's the kicker, some stupid ass blew off a yield sign and almost hit me on the way back. Good thing I saw it coming b/c I wasn't about to stop and fill out an accident report with 10 lbs in the trunk. Particularly when the accident would not have been my fault.

So yeah, you have to be a bit ballsy to do the shit. I'm an adrenaline junkie anyways, so I find the risk enjoyable. It wouldn't be as much fun if it were


Well-Known Member
Talk to a close friend if your extremely confident in them and see if they wanna make a quick 1k, if not pack the car and make sure there is no smell what so ever and call a tow truck to bring your car back, even if thers nothing wrong with your car say you had some drinks and like you said its 3 hours away and you have a wedding the next day and wont be able to get your car home any other way.


Well-Known Member
lol twenty pounds is quite a dream, especially if you think you will be able to yield that from as little as ten plants. There is a lot of factors that come into play when guerrilla growing, that includes people finding your plants and taking them. You should be aiming for more like a pound unless you plan on growing more plants. you should be more worried about trying to grow the twenty pounds first rather than how to transport it.
Chances are, if you were lucky enough to yield twenty pounds, you would not harvest all at once, just harvest whatever you can trim, start with top cola's, letting lower buds fill in some, If you tried to bring it all in at once, you would be completely overwhelmed, it would takes days and days to trim that.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Hes going to take a press out in the woods and brick his weed?!?! no offense but this seems like the most far fetched idea i have heard to get it out yet. Maybe an idea for traveling long distances once its out of the woods but not to get it out of the woods to your trimming location.
If you grow any KIND of decent pot, you'd need your ass kicked if you bricked it. Thats like driving a new car off the showroom floor. Value drops immensely!!! I would never brick my pot. EVER!!!


Well-Known Member
lmao this is crazy. first i would help if you had a truck. this is what i do. i trim it all in the woods. cause if you dont and pack it in a bag to take home and do it. the leaves stick to the bud and its a pain in the ass. second plant diffenrt strains with dif harvest times. so you dont havr so much work all at one time. i trim bag in contractor garbage bags. i doubel bag it and tie it. i then place it in my tool box in the back of my truck. i have it all cleaned out no tools to poke holes in the bags. i also have a power inverter wired up in my tool box. i put in a ozone generater and run it the hole time tell i get home. but like you said go over everything head lights break lights linc plate lights make sure your all good with with vech codes. if need be tripple bag that stuff. and lock up the tool box. no need for a cop to open it if you do get stoped. also i like to place a gas can in the back of my truck and let the valve open. so all you can smell is gas. if you trim in the woods you get alot more in a bag doubel what you would get if you dont.

I'll add my story here from last year in a moment. Why do you need to drive so far?. You would be surprised at how many places can be used in urban type environments. You just have to look for them. I spend more time scoping potential sites than I do using them. If I think there might be a risk of discovery, I'll test the site with bagseed...then if all goes well it's on come the second year. The 2 riskiest times for growers are planting, and of course harvesting.

Last Fall I drove to harvest thinking I could fit everything from 2 measly plants in 2 day packs, both were in excess of 8'...and of course the buds wouldn't fit without smashing them in there. I always carry my digital camera, gives me a valid reason to be anywhere at anytime. So I had a choice b/c there was no way in hell I was making 2 trips, smash them or walk out with trash bags. I walked out with the bags, and dropped them about 200 yards from the car. Then I walked to car, made sure the coast was clear and went back. Here's the kicker, some stupid ass blew off a yield sign and almost hit me on the way back. Good thing I saw it coming b/c I wasn't about to stop and fill out an accident report with 10 lbs in the trunk. Particularly when the accident would not have been my fault.

So yeah, you have to be a bit ballsy to do the shit. I'm an adrenaline junkie anyways, so I find the risk enjoyable. It wouldn't be as much fun if it were
Haha, totally ! Adrenaline is like a drug...
lol twenty pounds is quite a dream, especially if you think you will be able to yield that from as little as ten plants. There is a lot of factors that come into play when guerrilla growing, that includes people finding your plants and taking them. You should be aiming for more like a pound unless you plan on growing more plants. you should be more worried about trying to grow the twenty pounds first rather than how to transport it.
Chances are, if you were lucky enough to yield twenty pounds, you would not harvest all at once, just harvest whatever you can trim, start with top cola's, letting lower buds fill in some, If you tried to bring it all in at once, you would be completely overwhelmed, it would takes days and days to trim that.
Great point bro!

Bud Grauer

New Member
Every time you consider driving for three hours on public highways with $30k-$50k worth of pot in the trunk and relying on the "I-hope-I-don't-get-stopped" strategy, please also think about (your future cellmate) big ol' Tyrone who is serving a life sentence and is 6'4" and spends all day lifting weights in the prison yard and has a fifteen inch long cock and who has been reading this thread and is hoping and praying that you use the "I-hope-I-don't-get-stopped" strategy, o.k.?


Active Member
From experience driving large amount of material I would say use a lot of turkey bags normally you would vac seal them but seeing as how you are going to be in the middle of the woods I would just bring turkey bags. Get a dependable car or truck, check lights break and head, oil, tires, have a spare and a jack so u don't have to sit on the side of the road helpless and a AAA card so you can call for a quick tow off the main highway if something serious happens! Make sure your in a car that has nothing illegal about it (tints,blacked out lights, loud speaker system, exhaust anything that will bring attention to your car) plain your trip so that when you are coming back with the product you are at rush hour. Drive normal a few miles over the spead limit stay out of the fast lanes. If you use the turkey bags right there shouldnt be any smell if you can put it in a trunk your golden windows down enjoying the day. If you smoke cigs enjoy them make sure to bring a bud cup so your not throwing them out the window. listen to some good music and it will be over in no time! good luck!


Active Member
and if your supppperrrrr paranoid have a buddy infront of you as a bait car, have him drive like a maniac to draw attention if there is ever a problem!

True that, but that is another person involved and I doubt the OP is planning including other individuals in this.

Aye, rush hour.