Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time


Well-Known Member
You must get confused easily... I don't know how my first two posts about digging a hole, and filling with a soil mix could be anymore clearer... I guess it takes the internet to prove me wrong...
it takes a little more than digging a hole & mixing in some soil, to grow 6lb plants. You haven't shown any of your own evidence or pictures. So far everything you have posted is just your theory......or plagiarism....


Well-Known Member
Man you're getting ripped a new one by these guys...

Not saying that I necessarily agree with everything you're saying, but I'm curious to hear the rest of your advice.

EDIT: keep in mind this is an ongoing thread. And for the sake of keeping this civil lets just give him the benefit of the doubt about hauling the water.
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Well-Known Member
You must get confused easily... I don't know how my first two posts about digging a hole, and filling with a soil mix could be anymore clearer... I guess it takes the internet to prove me wrong...

Seems to me that your approach is needlessly labor intensive, but more power to you regardless.


Well-Known Member
Enough of the bickering...

Great info on the guerilla grow! I already learned a trick for next year- I'll let my plants grow indoors under grow lights an extra 2-4 weeks before moving outside, maybe giving them a better chance for increased yield at the end of the season. I'll also give them a few extra days to harden when I first move outdoors. Hey, if I can go from 8-10 oz to a lb per plant I'll be the happiest guy in Georgia!

If one has worked on a farm for any length of time then they can better understand the capacity of a human to haul water & stuff, dig trenches, and turn hardscrabble land into an arable garden. I was in Mendicino County (CA) last weekend and struck up a conversation with some local Guerilla Growers- it sounds like your technique and efforts are similar to theirs.

I think you said you are in Australia: are you growing in the winter season or are you far enough north that the seasons and seasonal daylight are not an issue? (If I'm wrong on your location sorry) BTW- great showing today by Oz vs Netherlands; that Cahill goal is one for the ages!


Well-Known Member
The only naturally occurring straight rows I've seen in nature are the trees that emerge from a fallen Sequoia. A row of 10 foot thick trees, spaced closely is an amazing sight.

If the OP is in Oz, he is months from doing any planting. Why post other's pix? His info is OK, except for the water hauling and size of the pits he talks about. One guy isn't going to handle it for long.



Well-Known Member
Not unusual to see a noob try to impress the old hands. I've seen a couple like him turn into real growers. A humble approach helps. It's tough trying to teach Grandma how to suck eggs.(I wonder how old THAT saying is? Probably around before fire.)

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Enough of the bickering...

Great info on the guerilla grow! I already learned a trick for next year- I'll let my plants grow indoors under grow lights an extra 2-4 weeks before moving outside, maybe giving them a better chance for increased yield at the end of the season. I'll also give them a few extra days to harden when I first move outdoors. Hey, if I can go from 8-10 oz to a lb per plant I'll be the happiest guy in Georgia!

If one has worked on a farm for any length of time then they can better understand the capacity of a human to haul water & stuff, dig trenches, and turn hardscrabble land into an arable garden. I was in Mendicino County (CA) last weekend and struck up a conversation with some local Guerilla Growers- it sounds like your technique and efforts are similar to theirs.

I think you said you are in Australia: are you growing in the winter season or are you far enough north that the seasons and seasonal daylight are not an issue? (If I'm wrong on your location sorry) BTW- great showing today by Oz vs Netherlands; that Cahill goal is one for the ages!
That cahill goal was so quick after netherlends scored inblinked and missed it