Guerrilla growing and "Drying 20 pounds of weed" problem. Any Ideas?

Hey, im doing a massive grow this year in hopes of getting a couple pounds out of the ladies!

But theres a problem...I live in a small bachelor appartment in Montreal city and recently, I had an idea about where I could dry all of this...

I thought of renting a montel room and using the the batroom as a drying room... because of the celling fans... no one could smell the buds...right? or is 20 pounds of weed gonna seep thrue 11 inches of walls? lol..

how bout you guys? If you coudlent use your home to dry plants...where or what would you use??


New Member
I think that's gonna smell too much in a motel man. It's a nice problem to have but I'd look somewhere else or maybe make adrying tray out of some sturdy material and have a few layers. Might be able to squeeze it somewhere in your apartment.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
op, have you ever grown weed before? the fact that you have to ask if people in a hotel could smell that amount scares me. how would you get it in there? haul a few contractor bags through the lobby? where do you plan on trimming it? on the bed?

and what the hell kind of hotel is this where you can fit 20 pounds of freshly harvested weed in the bathroom? sounds like a fancy place because the places i could afford have bathrooms smaller than a broom closet. if you got money like that you should be able to come up with a better place than a hotel.

with a game plan like this i sincerely question whether you'll even be able to harvest 20 pounds of weed. i wish you luck though.


Well-Known Member
wait, wait.......back are you going to grow 20lbs of weed in a "small bachelor apartment in Montreal City?"


Well-Known Member
Rent a storage unit for 40bucks n then go there after hours and close the door and bring a led lantern (Coleman lantern) Ppl use storage units to build shit and practically operate businesses man. Dark cool place bro and bringing packages in and out won't look shady


If you are expecting 20 lbs then you should be able to invest in a carbon filter and industrial fan. How are you going to grow it if you can't control the smell? Seems you'll have a problem on your hands before you ever come close to harvesting if you're worrying about the smell.

20 lbs is a lot of weight man. Anyway, get a carbon filter and fan. Or 2. Or 3 or 4 of them. And do the shit right. Then dry it right where you grew it. Why would you risk transporting all that somewhere else?


Rent a storage unit for 40bucks n then go there after hours and close the door and bring a led lantern (Coleman lantern) Ppl use storage units to build shit and practically operate businesses man. Dark cool place bro and bringing packages in and out won't look shady
I would feel paranoid as HELL leaving it in a storage unit that has been registered under my name and is sitting there unsupervised by me. That would bug me out. What about the smell?? Last I checked you can't plug in fans in storage units can you?


Well-Known Member
maybe rent a u haul truck and leave it somewhere remote....very remote. but the problem with that plan is having your name on the rental with 20 pounds in it.


Well-Known Member
Dude if ur gonna really do this which I doubt u are, you'd already know what to do. It's not rocket science. Either buy a bad ass carbon filter n do it in ur apartment or try what we suggested, FYI, anyone doing an opp this big, wouldn't post about it online unless they were legal but I'm assuming 20lbs isn't considered personal use.... My advice is to stop wasting everyone's time.


He lists 20 lb's, but says he would like "a couple pounds", sounds to me like this is his first grow and he just has a broad goal in mind. We don't need to be to hard on him here, I'm sure he has outdoor plants too, so that clears up the small apartment issue(unless you plan on guerilla growing in your apartment?) My advice is.. focus on growing and read up as much as you can. Don't worry about your harvest until that time starts to approach, just try to worry on having something TO harvest.
op, have you ever grown weed before? the fact that you have to ask if people in a hotel could smell that amount scares me. how would you get it in there? haul a few contractor bags through the lobby? where do you plan on trimming it? on the bed?

and what the hell kind of hotel is this where you can fit 20 pounds of freshly harvested weed in the bathroom? sounds like a fancy place because the places i could afford have bathrooms smaller than a broom closet. if you got money like that you should be able to come up with a better place than a hotel.

with a game plan like this i sincerely question whether you'll even be able to harvest 20 pounds of weed. i wish you luck though.
yeah man, youve got good points lol. This would not be the first time that i grow outdoors, i grew 3 plants for the 3 past years in my backyard...but this would be the first time that i have a really big grow...ill brg more than 50 clones up there. I think iv gatthered enough knowloege about outdoor growing to get at least 10 pounds...20 is more something to shoot for ya know...
Dude if ur gonna really do this which I doubt u are, you'd already know what to do. It's not rocket science. Either buy a bad ass carbon filter n do it in ur apartment or try what we suggested, FYI, anyone doing an opp this big, wouldn't post about it online unless they were legal but I'm assuming 20lbs isn't considered personal use.... My advice is to stop wasting everyone's time.
lol calm down there bud... just trying to gather knowleadge here...