Guy who got cuttings and is now lost...


Active Member
I am a growing virgin, a novice. I smoke copious amounts but have never grown. I have 6 plants and i have a 150watt halide lamp on them. I am using 'tomorite' as a feed which was recommended by a grower (tomato feed in general). I am also using vegatable compost (doesn't say organic though). The cuttings were given to me approx 3wk ago, the light is on constant still and i've recently started pruning them (i know, i'm shit). They're at about 30degrees c. I think i am starting to get a slight jist now, i'm using this fab site a lot (new homepage too) and i am confident i can save them. It is probably just going to be for personal but anymore would be a major plus. Thank you for any input Ladies and Gentlemen.



Well-Known Member
i thought i was the most aggressive pruner here but you have taken the prize. stop now - your plants need the leaves early in their life. prune carefully after you have 4 nodes and only then if you have a specific goal in mind based on sound pruning techniques. look in advanced techniques in the growfaq section of this site for guidance

unless you are growing really small plants you are going to need a lot more light.

if you get more light you are going to have to improve your ventilation which you probably want to do anyway given your temps.

good growing


Well-Known Member
Don't prune. Paint the walls flat white. Transplant into 3 gal containers in 2-3 weeks. Get a 400 watt HPS with conversion HIDs bulb. (HTG Supply for less than $150. (you spend more on weed a month right?) Get some perlite and add 20-30% of that to your soil at transplant, the drainage don't look the greatest. Get a small fan to keep air flow around the leaves. If you don't get better (intense) light you may not even be able to grow three of them.

Those are some very basic suggestions so keep reading and you will figure the whole thing out. I hope that helps. I have trouble growing 4 plants with a 400 watt set up that is why I think you need more wattage.

I'm a newbee too but I'm old so I know plants in general, you know, like your gramma!
Maybe one of the true growers on this site can help too but like I said...READ. It's all there!


Active Member
Stallions, both of you. I'm a Brit gentlemen, i assume perlite will be available in my local 'homebase' or 'b&q'? Got no wallmart here. Just loadsa scallywags wantin to schmok. I keep on trying to update this with a good pic but it keeps farting. i will try to remedy this asap... by taking another pic probably, bloody technology. So no-one thinks these plants are too spindley? Hope not. I have 2 fans on them 24/7 and a 2nd 150watt lamp is going in. Will need another fan me thinks. Cheers again chaps.


Well-Known Member
So no-one thinks these plants are too spindley? .
actually, they are a little on the barren side but i attributed that to your pruning. they look several weeks old and a little stretched from insufficient lighting but they should recover nicely with the extra light and time to recover from the pruning.


Active Member
got sum more pics. have added one more 150watt lamp. got one thats bushing like a mo fo, and the others are doing very well. these two are my new beasts. any feedback muchly appreciated. i will add more pics of the stumpy one. she looks more like all other plants i see on this wonderful website and the select 'few' others i visit. i am transplanting into larger pots within the next 24hrs and moving onto a 12/12 lighting scheme... if you guys think i should.

