Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
Way to go! I can't wait for ebb and fllllloooooowwwwwww!

Gypsy if you don't mind...

Hey Purp, how did everything end up with your last op and the theives?


Well-Known Member
Damn, you're taking perpetual harvest pretty literally. You get time for bathroom breaks between chopping, trimming, washing, changing reservoirs, cloning, transplanting etc.?

Looking stellar as always.


Well-Known Member
Damn, you're taking perpetual harvest pretty literally. You know you're supposed to take breaks to sleep and go pee right?


Well-Known Member
Damn, you're taking perpetual harvest pretty literally.
It's working so

Good to see you Brother SZ!!! :hug:

You get time for bathroom breaks
I go outside... most of the time... I like the view better..:shock:

between chopping,
You know.. it takes me longer to choose which I am chopping than to actually cut 3 or 4

I love trimming! 3 or 4 plants at a time..;-)

Again, just take everything to the bathtube or outside and hose it al down...bongsmilie

changing reservoirs,
once every two weeks... takes about an hour to drain clean refill...

Cloning has become a non issue..

I just clone often, and make sure I have way more than I need...

A half hour daily job...:eyesmoke:

Again, when we talk about doing only 3 or 4 it's just not that big of a deal...

I love doing this shit.. and I love that I do not have to sit there and "deal" with it for hours and hours on end.. on ANY DAY OR

Just a little bit every


I do not claim it's less work.. but it is no more...;-)

Looking stellar as always.
Thanks You!

I was just looking over you grow...

Looking pretty FANTABULASTIC yourself..!!!:clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Way to go! I can't wait for ebb and fllllloooooowwwwwww!

Gypsy if you don't mind...

Hey Purp, how did everything end up with your last op and the theives?
i still never found a SOLID lead on who the fuck did it but im oretty sure this lil clik did it.


Well-Known Member
That's probably for the best Purp. No offense of course.

I just couldn't see that turning out well for you, despite the cathartic effect :peace:

Gypsy, I have a question, staying off topic... ;-)

How ya been feelin?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for asking Jesse..

I'm doing ok...

As ok as I can be...

trying to get used to this grouchy son of a bitch that I have turned into...:shock:

and hoping for the best...

Sometimes I still wish they just cut the fucker off... seriously...

But then I remember this is the one my Momma gave me.. and she can't give me another one...

so I smile in pain and load another bowl...:eyesmoke:

Hope every one here is doing better than that!!!



Well-Known Member
Yeah I can be a grouchy asshole myself. But I don't want them to cut my neck off ;-)

Is there any indication from your prognosis that this pain condition could subside, even marginally, at some point?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I can be a grouchy asshole myself. But I don't want them to cut my neck off ;-)
I hear THAT!!;-)

Is there any indication from your prognosis that this pain condition could subside, even marginally, at some point?
Possibly? sure...

The docs have been tellin me I am going to be "good as new" in 2 weeks ... for over a year

damn gypsy i didnt realize you were in pain like the amber trichs really help more for pain??
Amber trichs knock me back to sleep when I wake up in pain...:eyesmoke:

That they do!!! and I love them for it!!!:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jesse...

RIU has been great therapy for

And here are the buds Purp was just asking about...

Still a little chewy (NOT WET AT ALL), like I like them... ready for jars...





Well-Known Member
What's up with that one in the middle?

Sticks out a little when I look at that pic...

No offense of course! It looks like candy Gypsy!