H202 Dilution questions.

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
I have a growing fungas gnat concern in my mother and clone nursery room. I have tried letting Promix dry out to plant wilting before watering and that didnt kill the larvae. I've used Natnil soil treatment drops, I've sprayed plants with Avid and bug bombed room to kill adults. I've tried the potato on soil line trick to catch eggs and battle adults. I have yellow sticky fly tape everywhere and these fuckers are able to dodge them like its the Redbull aerostunt spectacular. I swear lastnight as I was watching tv , 1 flew by my face all slow, did a barrel roll and shot me the bird.
So I declare war on them.. Its time to show no mercy, kill em' all.
In the fucking oven you go!

I have a bottle of 3% peroxide.. whats the dilution rate to a gallon of water for soil treatment?

AND... I have 5 feminized seeds at very young seedling stage.. can I treat them or should I not risk it ?

Thanks, GG:wall:


Well-Known Member
i dont think 3% is stong enough i have heard of a sulfur burn that should killl all fungus gnats but i have never tried it i have herd relly good things though


Well-Known Member
I have a growing fungas gnat concern in my mother and clone nursery room. I have tried letting Promix dry out to plant wilting before watering and that didnt kill the larvae. I've used Natnil soil treatment drops, I've sprayed plants with Avid and bug bombed room to kill adults. I've tried the potato on soil line trick to catch eggs and battle adults. I have yellow sticky fly tape everywhere and these fuckers are able to dodge them like its the Redbull aerostunt spectacular. I swear lastnight as I was watching tv , 1 flew by my face all slow, did a barrel roll and shot me the bird.
So I declare war on them.. Its time to show no mercy, kill em' all.
In the fucking oven you go!

I have a bottle of 3% peroxide.. whats the dilution rate to a gallon of water for soil treatment?

AND... I have 5 feminized seeds at very young seedling stage.. can I treat them or should I not risk it ?

Thanks, GG:wall:
Have you looked into Vectobac,Bactimos, or Gnatrol they all have a specific Bacillus species that controls the maggots. I have seen those products at hydro stores. I also hear that predatory soil mites named Hypoaspis and nematodes Steinernema feltiae have worked as well. You can also use neem or an insecticidal soap for your infected soil.

With your other question about your seedlings I would say no not unless you specifically researched those aforementioned products designed to control and rid your current problem to see if it can be used in seedlings.


Well-Known Member
You could try a pyrethrin rinse for the soil. There are also nematodes that kill them as well but I have never used those.

4 the love of ganja

Active Member
Use Azamax absolute best product i have used for any insect it took out every single gnat on the first application. i needed a second application to completely get rid of thrips but that stuff is the bomb the only things alive in there are the plants. you get a 4oz bottle for 20$ that's all you need

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
Azamax.... Ill look into it

Gnatrol ... Been told they cant sell this in canada due to labelling laws , so the guy at the hydro sto' sold me Natnil and said its the exact same stuff with a different name.
It seemed to control then until it ran out, but never stopped the little assholes.

Thank to any and all for suggestions, will be checking back in.