h202 hurt roots?


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm i dont know i have never done it. I was just told becuase i have some mites in my resivoir to run a "high dosage" of h202 water through the rez and tray but im hearing conflicting explanations. Just wanted to make sure it wouldnt hurt my plants.


Well-Known Member
Just use mint concentrate kills them off quick and won't hurt your plants but might have a minty aroma if used 4 weeks in flower.


Well-Known Member
Internet has it, it can be cheaper then regular harmful chemical mite-off heck you might find organic mite-off with mint in it!


Well-Known Member
Don't know about the Mint concentrate, but the H2O2 won't hurt your plants roots. I wouldn't use any more than a 1/2 cup of regular 3% peroxide per gallon. A lot of ppl might chime in and tell you that's way too much, but I've used that much and more per gallon mixed in with my nutes, and NEVER had any problems what-so-ever.