Had to call in sick (of my job)


Active Member
Anyone else had to call in sick of their job today?

I'm at a point that if i got fired i would be happier than the prospect of coming into work.

I work in customer service for a utility company. I spend my day watching other people take calls while i myself take calls. I get shit from customers, i get shit from the people i have to manage, and i get shit from those who manage me.

if i was not the only person working in my house right now i would quit so quickly. Even if i get fired it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I wouldn't need as much pot to get through my day and sleep at night.

if was really really lucky, It would probably still take me more than a month or two to find a job, plenty of time to clean out if i didn't smoke. If i'm not smoking my closet grow can get bigger and bigger, making the harvest even more celebratory.

but then again, i have a steady paycheck, and no drug testing in sight while at this job. guess ill live with the status quo for the moment.

anyone else in the same or similar boat?

simple grower

Well-Known Member
i nearly called in sick today as well:s had people down for the weekend and would of loved to of had today off as well,but at the end of the day work rules our lives :/ its gay no work no pay=Fu*ked


Well-Known Member
atleast you got a job......

alot of people dont.....

you need to do whats is best for you and your family...

fuck those assholes who give you a hardtime..

just when you get home...

bong rip it away...hehe..


Laugh em off. Go home and rip it. Look for a new job at the same time. Quit when they need people because they're busy, or at the same time as someone else.


Well-Known Member
I've been there, it sucks =(

Best thing to do though, is to start looking for another job. I've found that at least gives me something to look forward to and adds a small glimmer of hope to an otherwise hopeless situation.

I know it's time to start looking for a new job when my pot consumption increases =)


Well-Known Member
i recently was in your situation got no respect in the kitchen and had a lazy ass boss. so i started looking and found a much better job which i will be happy to go to this morning


Active Member
yah guys, i know im lucky for a job, but i often feel i would be luckier without this job :)

right now im doing some continuing ed for paralegal work, job search is ongoing, but half harted till competed. and then ill have to detox, which im not looking forward too.

Maybe ill find a NORML friendly lawyer to work for..