Haha....I was thinking, can you guys control your high?


Well-Known Member
So the other day we hit the bong, chilled out, then went to wendy's with some other people. I thought I was doing a good job of acting pretty normal. Then one of my sisters friends is like, were you just at Jasons? I was like yeah.... She goes, is that why your eyes are trippin? haha... So that brought me to thinking, can you guys contol it, and if you can is the eyes a dead giveaway?


Active Member
i cant really controll my eyes, but i can controll my high by like focusing on certain parts like i can focus on like my inner organs to feel wierd shit going on, or i can focus on the music and take a mental joyride. not really the point of your post but i though i would share lol


Active Member
sometimes i'll smoke a little during my lunch break and go back in and talk to customers and co-workers without any problem. later when my co-workers realize i'm high they have told me i hide it real well. i guess the name for that is an undercover smoker.

i just don't focus on it. it feels more medicinal that recreational for me so it's comparable to taking a pain reliever. it's not (or shouldn't be) that big of a deal. like smoking a cigarette.


Well-Known Member
I can if I have clear eyes and I'm not absolutely blitzed. The only time I can't it is when one get closes 1/2 way and the other say open cause I'm so baked.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
it's not (or shouldn't be) that big of a deal. like smoking a cigarette.
thats the biggest problem, the massive general misconseption of weed today....still. legalization will change societies outlook though, hoping for that.