Hail damage, looks ok but will they be too stressed?


Well-Known Member
it hailed the other night right after i put my babies outside. i couldnt go back to get them but i think they look alright. obviously not great but they havent died yet. do you think theyll be okay? or will that much stress make them go hermie/male?

let me know what you think please!!!


Well-Known Member
i know its probably too early for them outside, but i had to put them out. long story but i did that rather than risking my growin partners roommate calling the pigs. but we have glass and plastic over them now so it shouldnt happen again.


Well-Known Member
Unless something's actually dying off, then I would trim it so the plant doesn't waste energy trying to grow something that's a goner. But, they're young, they're not completely hammered, so... wait, watch, and see.


Well-Known Member
I would probably be more concerned with the small holes in the leaves; looks like something's been chewing on them.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, i think ill just let it do its thing and trim off the damaged parts when they get some more leaves to do some good work with the sun.
thanks for the idea about the little holes, i guess i was too worried about the hail damage to think about that. ill check it out when i go in awhile and see if they look like theyre bein munched on!
thanks everyone:joint: