Hair of the Dog - Vapor Therapy 101


Well-Known Member
--some content previously posted--
Holiday Happiness Has Heated Hardwood

How much is that doggy in the window, and how much is it discounted?

Long before I found RIU and the DIY lighting obsession, I lurked and researched over on FC is a vaporizer forum “For Cannabis”. In all of that time I made exactly 2 posts.

Took over a year to decide on my first vape. During treatments I relied on tinctures when available at my dispensary of choice since smoking was no longer an option. I needed something I could use for relief.

My first vape was a Magic Flight Launch Box MFLB:
A battery driven portable vape for flower (concentrate version too) and it worked great for a while.
Has a learning curve but a brilliant simple design.

Next up 1.5 years later the Arizer Solo a more high tech device. Capable of selective heat settings and rechargeable battery that can handle multiple “sessions”. Glass stems with built in screen. A bent and straight version come with the unit. The straight stem bit the dust shortly after I started using it, breaking at the top of that built in screen and was possibly a heat stress issue.

Replaced that stem with a 14mm shorty for water piece (by Magic Flight) and that combo entered the rotation. Sometime after the warranty period it no longer worked off battery power, would charge but shut off during heating. A hack bypassed the battery with a lower voltage wall wart the unit knows to devote to heating only. This gave it another 6 to 9 months of limping along...

There's no need to fear... UnderDog is HERE!!!
The previous choices were testing the waters and making sure that vaporizing suited my needs.

Now it's time to adopt a dog.
Open box for a yuletide log
Express from North Pole
Lightly ground or whole
Small amount makes big fog

I've wanted one of these but they were always outside my price range.
They were on sale for the holidays at same price as the Solo (if I were to buy a new one).
Honey Locust wood – how could I resist...
Dog4HalfBee.jpg Dog1.jpg Dog2stems.jpg VapeLineup.jpg
It's too late to get yours by Christmas, but if you want a New Year's resolution for 2017: Check out FuckCombustion and research as much as you'd would on any other phase of this plant like choosing the best lighting and nutrients, or grow methods.


Well-Known Member
When it's my turn
I choose not to burn
No longer smoke
Desperately broke
Some lessons learn

Treatments saved my life, but left me broke for a long time.
Six years of trial and error and finally able to grow my own, and use as needed.
I've had a wonderful dispensary. When I could afford it in the beginning prices were good.
An eighth, sometimes two, a month, and usually had a bit unused carry over each month.
Did I mention I only go once a month to town with no local sources medical or otherwise

When I could no longer afford their mid and top shelf prices, since the rosin boys were keeping all the smalls and irregular for pressing, had to start asking for 'compassion' allotments. It's hit or miss on suitability but was enough to get by.

All the material I have vaped is collected in a jar.
When the jar is full, I make a batch of cookies.
Using and reusing every little bit, only thing wasted is myself.

This is a personal journey into vaporizer life and the benefits of not burning up what you worked so hard to grow.


Well-Known Member
I'll go you a lot better and make my bud into cocobudder. Get all the medicine on the back of a cookie and not waste a dime on fancy vaping gear that could be better spent on more gear to grow more pot to make more cocobudder to get more and better medicine even cheaper.

My most expensive toking unit is a $35 water pipe I haven't used in a year and bought 12 years ago.

I never roll joints unless I have company and take my little hits in a $5 pipe most often when I toke.

Vaping is better than toking for your health but as a delivery mechanism for medicine whole plant extracts like cocobudder top them all including RSO.



Well-Known Member
When it's my turn
I choose not to burn
No longer smoke
Desperately broke
Some lessons learn

Treatments saved my life, but left me broke for a long time.
Six years of trial and error and finally able to grow my own, and use as needed.
I've had a wonderful dispensary. When I could afford it in the beginning prices were good.
An eighth, sometimes two, a month, and usually had a bit unused carry over each month.
Did I mention I only go once a month to town with no local sources medical or otherwise

When I could no longer afford their mid and top shelf prices, since the rosin boys were keeping all the smalls and irregular for pressing, had to start asking for 'compassion' allotments. It's hit or miss on suitability but was enough to get by.

All the material I have vaped is collected in a jar.
When the jar is full, I make a batch of cookies.
Using and reusing every little bit, only thing wasted is myself.

This is a personal journey into vaporizer life and the benefits of not burning up what you worked so hard to grow.
Vaped bud into butter is my favourite. Rock on man.