Harvest and Curing problems.

a few years back i grew some northern lights and had some bad luck with harvesting adn curing. i just started 12 labies and im trying ot gather as much info as possible for i dont screw it up this time. whats teh best way to harvest and cure. when i did it last time i did the paper bag and jar thing and my buds were way to dry way to fast. they crumbled. that was only 2 plants worth i dont wanna waste 12 plants worth when i could yeild 100 to 200 grams each plant with my setup. thanks fella.

I Love THC

Active Member
Cut the buds from the stem and hang them upside down. Have a fan blowing and the buds hanging above where the fan blows. When the steps snap put them into air tight jars. Open the jars daily for 20-40 minutes for the first week. (you can smoke now). If you want to cure longer keep them in the jars for as long as you like.Make shure to keep stored in a dark place.

Hope i helped :D


Active Member
Don't wait too long before jarring. I only had my first harvest, but I think I dried them a little too long hanging upside down. I say stay away from any kind of paper bag, it dries too fast in the bag.