harvest drying


Well-Known Member
is there any difference between harvesting ur whole plant stalk than just harvesting branches? normally i take whole plant but the sticky note harvest thread said 2 do branches .plus the stalk is so huge it will be hard 2 cut. there thc in the stock if hung will go to buds? what i thought:shock:


Well-Known Member
its not thc that leaves the plant the reason they say branches is because it will speed up the process of drying that cut you make in the stem is where alot of the moisture is escaping now if you do cut by whole plant i find the product to come out alot tastier because your allowing the bud to extract everything out the leaves and stem and dry a slow even pace as long as you keep air circulating you wont have a mold problem i do mine by whole plant rather then branch and always comes out tastier


Well-Known Member
i trim fan leaves and leave the rest to trim after dry wich is usually harder on ppl cause its abit trickier best approuch though is to turn the bud upsdown when triming dry and trim it from the bottom up