Harvest or not? :s (what do you think)

Ok so i have 12 uk cheese in all 7 weeks into 12/12, i have checked with a microscope its all milky and a few amber. Alot of pistils turning orange now aswell, all buds swelled out nice. So i was just wondering as its an 8 weeks flower period if i should still hold out for harvest for a week or not?.....

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hey tommy,

It sounds like you have a good idea on what to look for and they sound like they may be ready. A good rule of thumb that i've used is waiting a week after you 'feel' they're done. In my case I waited two. (didnt feel right not having all orange/brown hairs) But really it comes to personal preference and I'm sure pictures will help people give you better suggestions.

Hope that helps! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
mine about at the same stage, cept ive got to harvest since im going out of town for the Thanksgiving week, and dont wanna risk anything in that week im gone with these buds that are looking so close to done! guess ill just have to deal with 20% amber thrichs
Thanks guys ive tried putting pics up but as im using an ipad it wont let me for some reason guess ill wait it out. Im just impatient haha