Harvest time? got some pics, need some feedback!


I have some aurora indica (Afghan x Northern Lights) going on their 8th week. I have chopped some of the real tall branches because the tips of them were starting to look like they were dying. I'm letting the rest go for a while until I see some amber trics but it seems like the buds have not grown much over the last week or so. I have em under a 400w HPS with some CFLs hanging for so the lower leaves can get some light as well. Take a look at some of the pics and let me know how long you might think until i should harvest. Any other feedback is welcomed.

I realize the pics arent super clear, i hope to use a proper camera later tonight so there will be some better shots of the trics.



Well-Known Member
Looks like you made it this far so without insult, What nutes do you use? Dirt or soil? Hydro? what system? LOL. Bro we try to keep green leaves as much as possible but its normal for leaves to change color during the last phase of flowering. That said just keep an eye out for amber trichs and that is a good tell tell sign to flush and then harvest. They wont really grow now. Now its time for producing THC. KEEP YOUR GAME TIGHT!!


They are in some plain potting soil with perlite mixed in, i use humboldt nutrients organic bloom with humboldt nutrients ginormous. toward the end i started adding molasses. I also have a co2 tank in there but I havent used it much because it seemed to make the leaves yellow up and dry out a bit. I am going to give them another week or so, is it ok to feed molasses during this time or just water?

As far as keeping green leaves as long as possible, what is the best way to achieve that (tough question, but any pointers on feeding schedules or anything you could think of would be appreciated).


Well-Known Member
You dont want to keep them green, You want to make them yellow now. this means your plants have used all its internal nutes. You want this for a good quality smoke.


Well-Known Member
Just give them plain water, or you can add a bit of molasses to that plain water if you want your buds to continue to process sugars for more thc production.


Well-Known Member
I grow in water bro....Can help in soil. I have no experience.But be sure that you flush your last week before you know you will pull her, not before.
Now keeping the leaves green. All weed needs is 16 elements, 6 macro and 10 micro in the form of trace elements.We must try to maintain a certain balance with all 16.Most commercial nutes suck because not all 16 are found in their products. Most you have to mix in parts insted of having one solid nutes that does it all without mixing in parts.If grow right(perfect) you wont have yellowing leaves just green healthy plants.For the rest of us we have to monitor our grow make sure its not a difficency rather then letting it slide cause we know it must happen.
Bro.....best of luck!