Harvest time Questions!


Well-Known Member
Bought a 100x microscope, got home and found a 50/50 mix of amber/cloudy. Would this be a good time to harvest? and when i do should I dry the whole plant as one or each branch hung on its own? read the harvest FAQ so got a good idea how to harvest, dry and cure. Just unsure about questions above! p3@cE


Well-Known Member
Cut it ........ I would separate for a faster dry ... do the trimming before you hang them then manicure them before you jar them .. Good luck

Save the trim for hash .. a little treat while waiting to dry ..


Well-Known Member
Thanx corvette77. Just done the trimming and hung them in a dark closet, avrage temp. Know any good homemade hash techniques usin stuff I might have at home? Can't wait to sample some homemade hash!!! p3@cE


Well-Known Member
I generally keep a oscillating fan gently breezing on my hangers. Despite the trichs telling you it's ready, next time you might wanna wait a little longer. Pic 3 looks sparse and a bit immature for harvesting. IMHO?
Congrats on your first stash!


Well-Known Member
those were just lil tiny buds off the bottom, Could of took top buds and left these to mature but needed growroom back. Got two other babys flowering! gonna use them lil buds for some hash. thanx for the comments. p3@cE


Well-Known Member
Thanx again korvette, started of by thinking "if I get a good 1/4 i wud be lucky" so a OZ sounds good. Just enjoying my new found hobby at the mo and abit o homegrown to smoke will spur me on to grow more. Boy is this addictive!!! p3@cE