Harvested Lastnight!! Little over 2oz!!


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone I have finally harvested my lady after a grueling 12-13 weeks flowering. I battled several heat issues with temps climpbing sometimes in the 100's during the summer months. Now I have to compete with the winter temps, which should be fun!! Nonetheless I am by far more then happy with my harvest. I weighed it all wet and its just around 239.96 grams!! What is it around 75% weight loss after drying correct, so Im looking at about 2-2.15 oz. Not bad for heat issues and only around 300w of CFl, and last 4 weeks a 150w hps!! I also have around 20grams of trim/leaf. What would be the best way to get some oil outta this? I know its way to less to make any hash right? Anyway heres some harvest pics, hope you enjoy. And THANK YOU ALL you followed my grow, and/or helped me along the way!! Happy Harvest!!
:blsmoke: :peace:



Well-Known Member
nice job. personally i would have waited a little longer but i can understand that you harvested when you did if you were flowering for that long. nice job.
is there any reason you harvested when the hairs are all still pretty milky like that. ive heard most ppl harvest at about half milky/half amber.

anyway, not to dis you did a good job, was this your first or have you done this b4.

eh plus rep.

oh was this all form one plant, if so very nice job.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I agree they couldve gone longer (the longer the better) but I have some $$ issues coming up and I need to unfortunatley rid of some this fine herb. As for the hairs being a little milky, there are several parts of the plant that have more red/amber hairs then the other. I think I have a pretty good mix of buds of a good cerebral high, and a good couch lock high! Yes it was my first time, and yes it was only one plant, thats what a hella lot of LST'n will do!


Well-Known Member
Man I really didnt wanna do it, but I know some 'buds' that will highly appreciate some of this good stuff!!


Well-Known Member
By the way that one big cola to the left of the lighter in the first pic weighs 44grams wet!!
Damn, that sucka must be really coated and full of moisture. Nice job. Bet you're hyper, or were last night!
Don't be too surprised if those cfl buds lose more like 80-85 per cent. My fluro buds always did. Gone hps now, 600W.


Well-Known Member
Alright. Excellent job. I just finished my first grow and got a little over 2 ounces too. lol pics in journal