harvested today


Active Member
Well, we cut her down today...hope it was the right time. I got one of those little microscopes from Radio Shack that was recommended and couldn't see fuck all to tell you the truth. Some were cloudy, some were clear, the magnification was so strong that the leaves slightest movement made it impossible to focus for long. Even when I cut a little bit and looked at it on a stable surface it was hard to tell for sure. There was definitely a mixture of cloudy to clear...and most of the hairs were red...so we just said fuck it, let's do it. Now one whole closet is full of this stuff hanging in there and the house reeks from end to end. Posted a couple of shots in the gallery - bf would kill me if he knew his picture was up there for all to see..haha...anyway, please check it out if you get a chance. I think I understand now about drying a little bit...they're hanging from hangers in the closet with decent space between them...and I'm guessing they need to stay there in the dark for another 5 days or so and then it's into the paper sacks....correct me if I'm wrong, please. And thanks to all who got us to this point so far.


Active Member
Yeah, that's the plan...appreciate the tip. Humidity quite low around here so the mold thing not a big issue, more concerned about maybe drying too fast.
I wonder how long the house is gonna smell...


Active Member
WOW. I'll be in Arizona for the national championship bowl game in January....Let me know if you need some help with that.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Damn girl, those are some big budnicks. My gf and I were discussing the merits and moralities of putting a "face" pic up on the forums...

Ya got ballz



Active Member
yeah, well...I had second thoughts but it was too late. He still doesn't know that I posted it. He never visits the forum...leaves all that up to me. But I still feel guilty about doing it...I just was so excited at the time and thats all the pictures I had...Do you think it will just go away... or are they gonna come for us in the middle of the night? I keep checking back and more and more people have viewed it. The guilt just keeps mounting....what should I do...tell him?


Active Member
by the way I remember you saying a while back that you were tired of the couchlock weed and wanted some strait sativa....you wannt try this? He gave a little of the preharvest to his neighbor who is a musician and travels to Seattle alot and the guy said it looks exactly like what he gets there. After he smoked it he said it was great. Maybe we could do a swap or something..


Well-Known Member
Stinky buisness.
I dry my bud in my big ass broken BBQ grill behind my house with the lid screwed shut.