Harvesting pollen from a cutting?


Well-Known Member
I recently took cuttings of a few small plants in order to sex them. I put the in jars of plain RO water and stuck them in 12/12 for about 2-3 weeks. Usually I throw all of the cuttings out when I know the sex, but this time I was thinking, hey, maybe I should keep this male and harvest the 7-8 pollen sacks when they ripen; this way I can generate some seeds.

Is there any reason not to do this? The cutting has been given no nutrients for the past few weeks and it doesn't really even have roots, but is still producing pollen sacks. Will this affect the pollen it produces?

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Shouldn't do no, it will only affect the amount of pollen.

Take some just before they're about to burst and store in a mostuire free area that's dark and cool. I think it should stay viable within a couple of months, maybe more who knows.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm going to give it a shot. I've never harvested pollen before so this'll be a first. There's only about 6-7 pollen sacks on this little cutting but that should be fine.

Since I've never done this before, I'm not sure exactly what they look like when they're about to burst but Ill make a guess.

For some reason I thought that the lack of nutrients might cause the cutting to produce damaged or mutated pollen but I have absolutely no scientific reason for why this would be the case.