Has anybody made the cannabis tincture?

the beekeepers

Well-Known Member
I made a tincture with 2oz of weed and a pint of vodka. This seems like the ultimate delivery modality. Is anybody else doing this? What is your experience?


Active Member
ill be making it in about 2 months when im done, but 2 oz in a pint of vodka sounds like a good ass tincture to me my friend. thats pretty much what i plan on doing.


Well-Known Member
Bud shots.

I like putting a 3-5 gram bud in a 4 oz tumbler, fill it with 151 rum and let it sit for 24 hours. That made two really nice rum and cokes. But I only did that when I had tons of stash.


Well-Known Member
i make the stuff on a regular basis. i take my fav scotch, mix in honey oil (i use the alcohol to clean the pan) then i soak the herb in it,but it doesnt need to sit any longer than 6 hours. this stuff rocks. mine turns dark red and a half a shot gets to you in less than 5 minutes, very fast acting. my friends cant get enough. also the effect is quite interesting, i find it to be similar to taking a pain pill or muscle relaxer.

the beekeepers

Well-Known Member
My first batch I put 2oz of weed in a blender and made it in to a course powder. Then I put it in to a pint mason jar and filled it to the top with Absolut vodka. I wrapped it in a towel and put it in the freezer for 4 days, shaking it once a day. At the end of 4 days I strained it thru a cheese cloth and used a little funnel to put it in to one oz. vials with droppers. A dropper full in any beverage or under your tongue seems to take the edge off of everything! I gave a vial to one of my friends and his response "it magic!"