Has anyone else ever had 2ci pills or powder?


Well-Known Member
ok its been like 2 years since ive done this but it seems so fresh in my mind. I got a call from my buddy and he tells me he got these pills that were new or new for the area? And he ate one and it fucked him up like crazy. I get a call like 2 days later from the dude who has the 2ci pills. he gave them to me for like 5 bucks but was selling them to everyone else for like 12. I bought 20 of them to sell but i had to try one first to tell everyone how it was you know . So i take this pill at like 1 in the afternoon at my apartment my roommate is at work. I didnt think anything was going to happen and i walked into the bedroom and the whole side of the room seemed to just drop off. i got half freaked out till i half assed came to my senses and realised i was really fucked up. I dont remember much for like the hour or 2 but i do remember my roommates brother showed up who happened to own the building and he was bitching about the carpets being fucked up......Mind you at this point my eyes were probably pitch black and i was mumbling words. Well he left and i went to think...lol on the mattress on the floor in the bedroom. when my roommate got home i was sitting back against the corner knees against my chest smiling my ass off. He goes what the fuck is wrong with you. I mumbled i ate those pills maan. I tripped for awhile longer and came down it was like 6 hours. it was alot of fun a body high mixed with some visuals and a super happy like being on E. Has anyone else experienc3d this awesome designer??


Well-Known Member
ok its been like 2 years since ive done this but it seems so fresh in my mind. I got a call from my buddy and he tells me he got these pills that were new or new for the area? And he ate one and it fucked him up like crazy. I get a call like 2 days later from the dude who has the 2ci pills. he gave them to me for like 5 bucks but was selling them to everyone else for like 12. I bought 20 of them to sell but i had to try one first to tell everyone how it was you know . So i take this pill at like 1 in the afternoon at my apartment my roommate is at work. I didnt think anything was going to happen and i walked into the bedroom and the whole side of the room seemed to just drop off. i got half freaked out till i half assed came to my senses and realised i was really fucked up. I dont remember much for like the hour or 2 but i do remember my roommates brother showed up who happened to own the building and he was bitching about the carpets being fucked up......Mind you at this point my eyes were probably pitch black and i was mumbling words. Well he left and i went to think...lol on the mattress on the floor in the bedroom. when my roommate got home i was sitting back against the corner knees against my chest smiling my ass off. He goes what the fuck is wrong with you. I mumbled i ate those pills maan. I tripped for awhile longer and came down it was like 6 hours. it was alot of fun a body high mixed with some visuals and a super happy like being on E. Has anyone else experienc3d this awesome designer??
Yes 2ci is good and so is methylone


Active Member
I got some pure 2ci powder from a research chemical company years back. It was good but their simply isn't enough research out there to prove that its not harmful. I would stay away.
I got permanently f'ed up years ago from a supposed ecstasy tablet that turned out to be pure DXM and put me in the hospital for quite a while.
And selling it to other people is just plain irresponsible with other peoples lives. How would you feel if someone got really hurt from that stuff. Not to mention you could go to jail.
No pills or powders, if it comes from the earth its probably ok. Learn it, live it.


Well-Known Member
I got some pure 2ci powder from a research chemical company years back. It was good but their simply isn't enough research out there to prove that its not harmful. I would stay away.
I got permanently f'ed up years ago from a supposed ecstasy tablet that turned out to be pure DXM and put me in the hospital for quite a while.
And selling it to other people is just plain irresponsible with other peoples lives. How would you feel if someone got really hurt from that stuff. Not to mention you could go to jail.
No pills or powders, if it comes from the earth its probably ok. Learn it, live it.
buyer beware.


Well-Known Member
ive done 2ci about 4 times. Ive taken two pills together on two of the 4 times. Its not a visual as actual lsd even double dosed, more like an extasy body high with a few mind tricks. One occasion I brought my projector to my friends house and we all dropped and looked at winamp visualizations for like 5 hours, then just layed on the floor looking up at the ceiling for like another 3 hours with all kinds of trippy music playing. good times.

I like looking at a visualization for like 10 minutes, like really stare into it, then close your eyes, and its like a personal lazer show in your own world.

this is in nyc. the pills are still around actually $30.00 dollars a pill or 2 at $25 or 6 for $100.00. supposedly a friend of a friend makes it. I gotta believe it though as it really has been around for years from the same guy. And to keep a connect for years is rare, so there must be a source near.


Active Member
ive got it in oshawa it was on a giant blotter paper it was like .5 inch by .5 inch and has a layer of crystaly stuff on it i just eat it and it tasted like shit but i was ripped it was a really good buzz. i thought it was wied for something like that to be on blotters
(it did say nexus on 1 side)
has anyone see somethin like this befor?


Well-Known Member
well, i remember the pills were like big pills, and they werent filled to capacity. like a plastic capsule. so you could shake it and look inside and see inside it looked like a crushed vitamin or something, like those colors ya know. So in theory you could open the pill and swallow the powder, or put the powder on blotter paper. so itd be a way to take a $20 pill and make a lot more money. BUt I swallowed the pills whole, let them dissolve, I didnt want to think about taste.


Active Member
Mercury is from the earth, would you consume that? Also, I do not think it would be wise to smoke poison ivy.

But I feel what you ment!:peace:
I said probably ok. Not that it IS ok. And I consume mercury every day when I have a can of tuna. Which brings me to another point. MODERATION......


Well-Known Member
i partied on the 2ci in college a few times. there was this hippy who would come around. he travelled from campus to campus selling different stuff to all the college students. anyway i swapped him an oz of some WW for 50 2ci pills. needless to say that i made a little money and almost failed out of school that semester. very very fun stuff. i just wish i could find them around here again:?


Well-Known Member
2Ci is agruably my favorite drug. I wanna say Molly is my fav but then i realize 2Ci has the intense ego boost and over all insanely good feeling that molly has, Plus some wicked kool visiuals!! Unlike other halluciniges iv tryed the 2ci didnt give me that in not in controll of the situation feeling i get when i do shrooms and such. I am always in total controll of my trip and i find that i can actually controll the visiualls. LIke the first time i droped 2cI i was able to make a bunch of glowing balls of light appear and they would move whn i told or though of them to move and i could make them spell out words!! I also remember watching the Ali G show and Ali G looked like he was a robot or that every thing on the screen had been replaced with plastic! Wiched good trip!! And it lasted for houres and houres and houres!!! We didnt sleep at all on this shit so when it was about 8 am we went to a frineds house down the street and smoked some good herb and they reenergized the trip quite a good bit! So for the rest of that day we were smoking a bit of weed every now and then and BooM we would start tripping again!! Its great stuff as it doesnt really fuck with your thiught process like shrooms do, u just get a really really good intence body high and wicked kool visiuals that you can manipulate!! Great stuff, tho i havnt seem it for a few years but when i do find it again i Will gladly buy some


Well-Known Member
Seems far fetched. I wish I could take a drug and have it come back all day by smoking bud. Its magic some would say.