has anyone heard of burp and gurgle?


Well-Known Member
I've heard of it. Running an airline with no stone right? Supposedly the large air bubbles rise to the surface quickly causing a turbulent and violent reaction in the Rez. The bubbles sound like burps, hence "burp and gurgle" .......never seen a documented grow though


Well-Known Member
I've heard of it. Running an airline with no stone right? Supposedly the large air bubbles rise to the surface quickly causing a turbulent and violent reaction in the Rez. The bubbles sound like burps, hence "burp and gurgle" .......never seen a documented grow though
well i will be trying it out lol , i went to the hydro store and got them to set me up with a system. he called it a burp and gurgle system said it was an easy system to learn with and told me the basics but my short term memory can be bad sometimes lmao i wonder why :P, so i though i would see if anyone else would know. my thoughts on the whole thing seems like a dwc with a top feed almost but it just spits some water out ...

Maybe try a porn site..........:o
no doubt hey lol!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you got a dwc unit with a water farm kit? I'm talk talking just a standard dwc unit minus the air stone. No top feed. Tip of air line secured to the bottom of the Rez. Free flowing air directly.