Has Anyone Tried Feeding Maple Sap?


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking syrup, I mean the actual sap as it comes from the tree. If I was still NE I would be testing it this spring. Seems to me that it would be packed with nutes and trace minerals. Likely could be frozen in cubes much like with coconut water.


Volunteer testers with access to a Maple ?


Well-Known Member
i mean there might be some very small amounts of minerals in it, but other than that, the sugar is unable to be taken up by plats and they make their own sugar anyway.

probably just a decent source of purified water lol.

why do you think you should try it? what is your reasoning?


Well-Known Member
Why would you think it's pure water? Wouldn't it contain auxins and folic acid along with minerals including all of those found in finished syrup?


Well-Known Member
I think that this may be a viable process, I believe the PH to be neutral as maple sap is, not bitter and well, it is part of the trees phloem and xylem process. Water from the roots is transported into the tree is mixed with the sugar the leaves synthesize creating sap. It may be not CONCENTRATED like say, molasses, but even still, i feel this MORE natural or Organic way of utilizing a resource which may be otherwise wasted, your sap may contain; tannins, enzymes, and sugars. All good stuff in my book. This is a good start and i don't foresee and issues with its use. Bugs my be attracted to it. But this is s good sign as AACT is about bugs and sugar. You may also find the use of the product to be helpful at the very end of flower to increase bud destiny and aroma. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Xylem sap Edit
Xylem sap (pronounced /ˈzaɪləm/) consists primarily of a watery solution of hormones, mineral elements and other nutrients. Transport of sap in xylem is characterized by movement from the roots toward the leaves.[2]
Thats from wiki.
I would say it could be used but unlike a coconut, which has the same hormones and minerals, the tree contents would likely very depending on the trees growth stage.


Well-Known Member
For those that have maple and freezer space a ton of sap is produced each season. When we used to make syrup there were days a single tree filled two five gallon pails. Point being a year supply would be easily accumulated. If it provides as much as I suspect it could alleviate many other store bought supplements.

I have tried coconut water and now use it at a few different stages of growth. Definitely tightens internode spacing and cleared up Mag deficiency in some of my current girls. That's how I got to thinking about sap.