hash from a male


hey all, i was wondering if it is possible to make hash out of my male plant, i have searched and googled and read threads all over the place on riu ad everything i find is ALL for female trim and plant matter, i have found some people saying they dried the pollen sacs and smoked them but i just dont even think that is possible whenever i touch mine they just fall off, let alone trying to rip it up and dry it, i have also been told that i can make hash out of it, but there are no trichs one the male so what would be the point of making hash??? i would have just ripped this one up like i did the rest but it was the last one in my garden and it is a massive fucker so if i can use it in anyway i would like to just so this whole summer wasn't a total flop. thanks for reading, hope someone has something good.


New Member
plant material isn't good for anything other then making rope and jeans,paper, things like that.
if there is no TRICHOMES, the little frosty looking things buds get, there is no thc.


Active Member
I read a post last week from someone who ground up his whole male plant and made butter from it , it was decent he said, I believe all parts of the plant have some level of thc in them tho it may be only 1% , still if your plant wieghs a couple of pounds, that would be a decent stick or two of butter(although grinding it and soaking it in alcohol woulod probably work better