Hash Yield 1 oz Good?


Well-Known Member
guess it depends how much you had to put in to get it.. sure it is good.. don't really know what you are asking here..


Active Member
Had lots of small buds that were dodo and lots of bud leaves so just wanted to know if one oz of powder hash is a good amount. Stuff will rock your world. I can't really handle it... Made me trip so hard I almost went to bed. It is from hydro plants that were left alone to bush all the way through. took the buds and the rest was for powder...
guess it depends how much you had to put in to get it.. sure it is good.. don't really know what you are asking here..


Well-Known Member
sounds like you did a nice job making the stuff.. i couldn't imagine smoking pure hash.. regular dank gets me blazed enough after a few puffs.. few puffs of hash, i would probably just crawl into bed and sleep. then again, that is my main reason for using it :p again, sounds like you made some yummy stuff there!


depends on how much you used to get that hash..... if its around 10ozs, then thats about right.... and ANY amount of hash is good in my opinion...... except that fucking UK "soapbar" shit I hear about


Active Member
I would say around 10 to 12 ozs of trimmings. very dusty trimings though. threw out the big leaves and stems and kept only bud leaves and tiny nothing buds.. I can't smoke it. To strong... Really no bs.. Stuff I was smoking is AK and NL and PG and it was dank and then its powder hash leavings just about did me in.
How much weed did you use to make 1 oz of hash? Thats the only way to know how good your yields are.