haters:homophobes,racists etc


Well-Known Member
why do people have to hate?
if ''god'' didnt agree with homosexuality,then why did he put homosexuals on earth?
God doesnt agree with drugs but yet most of us do drugs....?
Racists,homophobes etc etc just......

..shhh,dont hate!

we are all pretty much the same n we are who we are!its like weed,all many different types of strains but at the end of the day ITS ALL DAMN GOOD!!!



why do people have to hate?
if ''god'' didnt agree with homosexuality,then why did he put homosexuals on earth?
God doesnt agree with drugs but yet most of us do drugs....?
Racists,homophobes etc etc just......

..shhh,dont hate!

we are all pretty much the same n we are who we are!its like weed,all many different types of strains but at the end of the day ITS ALL DAMN GOOD!!!

dunno man...imo prop 8 is unconstitutional but all the fucking religious zealots in this state are stupid


Well-Known Member
why do people have to hate?
if ''god'' didnt agree with homosexuality,then why did he put homosexuals on earth?
God doesnt agree with drugs but yet most of us do drugs....?
Racists,homophobes etc etc just......

..shhh,dont hate!

we are all pretty much the same n we are who we are!its like weed,all many different types of strains but at the end of the day ITS ALL DAMN GOOD!!!

In that same thought, didn't god also put racist and homophobes on this planet? or did they come on the 7th day:mrgreen:
what about sickness and loneliness?
depression and suicide? rape and murder.....
For we are the elegant model of existence: we are created in god's image are we not?


Well-Known Member
The universe is not only chaotic, but for every cause and effect there is an opposite. Feck, it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
its fucked up is what it is,n its gettin worst everyday,past 4 years iv seen it change dramatically,wheres all the love gone?


hate is an unavoidable product of humanity... never gonna be rid of it... people hate for a number of reasons, but i believe it is mainly because deep down inside, humans need an enemy; an enemy is easy to pass blame onto for things that we cant control... nothing and nobody is out of the realm of hatred. its like saying why cant all people be perfect and do no wrong; not happening, its part of the human condition..


stays relevant.

Progress is the fact that we can now accept having a black president... But what is it when you say that two people you don't even know aren't allowed to get married?

Americans took one leap forward, and Californians took a massive stumble backwards. It's shameful to think that you have any position to decide what can go on in someone else's life... People just can't seem to see reality from an outside perspective... People just can't seem to set their religion, or prejudice on the dash board before they go in to vote... and that is pathetic.

I can't believe that it's legal to abort a baby here, but it's not legal for two people of the same sex to get married.


Well-Known Member
why do people have to hate?
if ''god'' didnt agree with homosexuality,then why did he put homosexuals on earth?
God doesnt agree with drugs but yet most of us do drugs....?
Racists,homophobes etc etc just......

..shhh,dont hate!

we are all pretty much the same n we are who we are!its like weed,all many different types of strains but at the end of the day ITS ALL DAMN GOOD!!!

When was the last time there wasn't any hate?

This is why I believe in "True Communism".
Communism is the final stage of the political reform started witha revolution, according to Marx. First masses of workers will rebel in a industrialezed country; they will implant a socialist government in order to adapt the country for later changes. After private property is banished, and the people possess everything, thenthere will be no need for government, thus the state will be destroyed, to form a society with no social classes. It important to remember that Marx knew that the mentality of man needed to change in order of this to work. He believe in the concept of the "new man" who was humble and just. It is also important to remeber did not believe in a country alone with this structure, but he believed that the whole world adapt to this change. Given this, it is safe to say that no country has ever achieved communism, and anyone who has a sense of equality do agree with this utopia.
No, Russia was not communist, neither is Cuba.