have/had mites,need help with the damage done!PLEASE HELP!!

I need advice on how to proceed now that the damage is done and new healthy growth is forming.I have (hopefully)just eradicated a mite infestation.I accepted 12 nice plants from a fellow grower(big mistake)6 Northern Lights and 6 mystery strain. they were about 10 inches tall and very healthy when I got them I transplanted them and put them in my 5 x 5 x8 grow room with an air-cooled 600 watt metal halide bulb and charcoal air filter,good intake and exhaust systems great humidity levels, good air circulation,always very clean.I made it through my last 3 grows fine, with no issues whatsoever!And now about 2 to 3 weeks after receiving and transplanting the 12 ladies got into 1and 1/2 gallon pots I started noticing some yellowing leaves and signs of distress on more than half of the 12!At first I thought it was heat stress or nute deficiency,but I have always used the same nutes and test my ph and also my room was only 78 degrees?About 5 days later I noticed little white specks all over the tops of my leaves and three days later after that I started noticing major signs of distress,at least three of them were on the verge of death.I was able to identify what was a minimal mite infestation.I didn't have any webbing yet,but they were definitely sucking all the moisture and nutes out of my leaves and causing a good amount of distress.About 6 or 7 of my 12 were affected 3 almost dead.I transferred all 12 of my ladies into my shower and gave them a good hosing off with the shower head, I picked up some organocide and treated the under side and top side of all of them including the soil while in the shower I then disinfected my entire room treated the entire room with rubbing alcohol and then disinfected it again along with all materials used in the room.at this point I killed all the visible egg and I believe most of the mites!I then sprayed again three days later with organocide. it is now a week at this point after first spraying and I started noticing damage done to all the leaves that I sprayed. I guess i sprayed to close together,or the moisture combined with the light caused burning.4 days after that I repeated the shower process only this time using a 35% rubbing alcohol mixture on all foilage and immediately rinsing it off after spraying.I then released 300 ladybugs into my grow tent and haven't seen a single mite since.the ladybugs are definitely doing their job because they have been crawling all over the pots stems and leaves for over a week now and I am seeing lots of new healthy growth. I would like any advice whatsoever and also would like to know what I should do with all the damaged leaves. is leaving the yellowing and dying leaves on my plant causing more damage then if I were to just cut them all off? allowing only the new growth? I am 6 days into flowering now but I am very concerned because although there is new growth none of the damage is getting any better,there doesn't seem to be any new damage only healthy new growth. should I just cut off all the damaged leaves and leave only the new growth?or should I leave all the damaged leaves on there until they fall off by themselves, it is just such an eyesore end I feel that the plant is using more of its energy trying to fix unfixable damage,and I'd rather that energy B focused on the new growth and flowers instead of trying to fix the old damaged the leaves.


Well-Known Member
A lot of times, the old leaves are where the mites are hiding out so if they are yellow or scarred up, I might pull them. I definitely wouldn't be spraying alcohol on the leaves. It's not that you need a stronger chemical, you just need to break the cycle of eggs hatching. Does organocide kill the eggs? If so then spray every 3 days or so with lights out to get a handle on the mites. Then count on spraying once a week for maintenance. I have mites, and I got them from a friends clones. Spraying azamax twice a week has kept them at bay really well, but after this round I am emptying the entire room and sterilizing and then will be dunking top of the plant in a bucket with organocide or something similar. Basically don't assume you killed them all and keep an eye out and a regular maintenance spray going.
The organacide did work good for killing them,but i definetly dont recommend it,it stinks something fierce like fish and i hear that it takes 7 weeks for that smell to go away.I won't be using it again.don't want a pound of fish smelling bud. The alcohol was recommended by 3 other people (on this site)but only as an Instant remedy,meaning spray on and intantly rinse off.only to be used occasionally and in dire cicumstances.it's proven to instantly kill the mites and the eggs,but if not rinsed off directly also is very harmful the plant if left on long enough to be absorbed.also it can only be used in veg because the alcohol melts the trichs,so it should never be used during flower. I've had mites one other time 3 or 4 years ago and I only used ladybugs,they worked great because my room is completely sealed and my hood is air cooled do they don't die by flying into the light.I lose a few here and there opening and closing to feed but it's ok.last time I didn't get the mites until 3 weeks b4 harvest this time they were only 5 weeks into veg. I only used the spraying because by the time I realized I even had the mites the damage they did was already so extensive to the newly transplanted girls.Plus I had to wait 6 to 10 days for the ladybugs to arrive and another 5 to 7 days before they would do there job. I needed the mites gone quick because I was past due to transition to 12/12(height wise) for growing space. Was very bad timing.now that the ladybugs are in there I was able to transition and the lady bugs have been arriving for about 10 days now which means they obviously have something to eat they don't thrive unless they have food.