Have i stretched my cannabis plant by placing the light to far away

They are 5 days old, by that i mean 5 days ago i placed the germinated seeds into the soil with the light fixture above. The 125 W Cfl was placed a good 18 inches away from the seedlings and it also had a propagator over the top for the first 4 days. Has this encouraged my seedlings to stretch? I have now introduced an osculating fan and reduced the space between the light and seedlings to 2-4 inches. I am intending to raise the light every day as the seedlings grow. Also i have removed the propagator as there is no reason for the humidity levels to be too high. I have a 125W 250 equivalent CFL above them but am intending to buy 2 600w hps bulbs for vedg and flower. Any feedback is appreciated.
Only taken a picture of 2 of the seedlings as only 2 have stretched



Well-Known Member
Put more dirt in the pot...BINGO...shorter stem. They'll be fine, especially since you said you moved the light to within a couple inches.


Well-Known Member
you need cfl bulbs to be 2-4 INCHES away from the plant tops.
i have 6 23watt bulbs 1 inch away from the tops of my veg plants and i have a fan blowing on the bulbs and plant so nothing gets hot and they are doing good.
i can grab the bulb and hold it for however long and it doesnt get too hot, feels like a cup of coffee or smthn lol
Right thankyou for the quick replys i have dropped the light to about 2-4 inches away from the top of the highest seedling also i have burried the two that have stretched. Fan is also on aswell now. Is perlite and vermiculite benefical in the seedling stage as i've used it as part of my mix since day one or does it not matter?don't worry i am moving it all upstairs into a proper tent with better lights etc in 2 weeks