having trouble germinating/sprouting plants


Well-Known Member
How long b4 sprouts will show using this method
i use jiffy plugs, i plant 5 at a time, usually within 48 hrs i have sprouts. When they do sprout they come through quickly and seem to me, to be more healthy than seeds germed in paper towels. And as i said previously no risk of damage to taproot.


Well-Known Member
Nohing yet. Starting to think they zapped them at the airport or something what idid find is my dogpissed onthecarpet damn


Well-Known Member
Wait there is hope softlymoved some soil one of my fems has a tap root so I'm gonna toss under humidty dome and set on heating mat


Well-Known Member
Do you use a propogator? If not that may be the problem. The seeds need warmth and humidity to germ. Try and resist poking about the soil, have patience! Good things come to those who wait.


Well-Known Member
If u mean by propogator humidty dome and heating mat have just plugged it in today first time I used it 0 sucess rate so I tossed it in my closet I've now added it to my current seeds ima give them till Sunday to do something if not than I'll be placing another order as I don't think I want to have all my grow space dependant on the northern lights I have from seedsman as after I brought them have seen more than a few thread saying they suck


Well-Known Member
Next time you buy seeds, get yourself some jiffy plugs, plant your seeds into the plugs, the holes are already there to place your seeds into. Stick the plugs in a cheap propogator, then place them somewhere warm and dark. 2 days later you will have some sprouts to nurture and care for. I use a cheap unheated propogator, i have so far not had a seed fail using this method.


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the rep CJ! If someone is genuinely interested, and i can help them. I will go out of my way to do so. Geo


Well-Known Member
Found a diesel rider seed that I lost two days ago bout to stick it in the soil under humidty dome on heating mat and let it do what it do