Hawaii med grow indoor


Well-Known Member
not much to report today. I spent most of the day at the beach. My gf got burnt. mid western skin cant take the sun yet. I lowered my ph to 1.8 now and switched to 12hr light. Fingers crossed for fems.


Well-Known Member
lol long day and 1 isnt even close on the key board. yes its 5.8
well at least I am not the only one that has trouble typing.
5.8, whew, I thought the next post might be bad news.
Good to hear that it was operator error. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I had a shitty day yesterday. I got a call at 3:30 am from my tenant on the mainland and he told me someone drove a car into my garage. Then they drove off. Good news is the plate fell off the car so the were going to find her. I know its a her now because she called the police and said she freaked out and left but will turn herself in after work. The police said they were just going to write her a ticket and not arrest her. But I heard form my tenant that they ended up arresting her after all. The police told it "appears" she had insurance but now that they arrested her im not so sure. I called the officer that made the report but he hasn't called me back yet so I don't know what is going on. I hope she has the insurance I dont want to have to go through mine.

Anyhow the plants are doing great I love the DWC as I dont look at them every day and sometimes I would forget to water so this is great for me. My ppm pen isnt working so I need a new one as im mixing my ferts from experance but dont know really what my ppm is.


Well-Known Member
I dont think so it was at like 7:30am and when she called the police she said she was at work


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised she drove away from that. I can just imagine what her car looked like afterwards.

It's not a surprise they arrested her, it's not like she was driving along, took her eyes off the road for a second, and then your garage jumped out in front of her car. You don't hit a building accidentally unless you're already messed up.

If she wasn't drunk she was high, or texting, or something. People show up to work pretty messed up sometimes. I hope the insurance takes care of everything for you.

How's the grow doing?


Well-Known Member
ok the police have told me the did not arrest her at all. She has insurance but will it cover the cost of a new garage? I doubt it.
So it will cost me a grand to get my ins to cover any leftover cost. Just sucks any way you look at it. Good news is I live in Hawaii so im not letting it get to me. Plants are still chuging along.
No sign of sex yet


Well-Known Member
I hope the garage saga ends well.
Any sign of the plant's sex!
May this week be peaceful and full of good karma for us all.


Well-Known Member
hey guys sorry havent updated in a few days. Its been a crazy week at work and home. The plants are doing great. But the indoor mix turned out male so I pulled it and put it i the trash with the cuttings I rooted from it. The haze was really getting tall so I cut it back. I know its a sativa but I didnt think it would have so much space between nodes. Not the best for indoor but Ill make it work. I also have some cuttings from that I rooted but I dont think Ill grow them out cus like I said not the best for indoor. If anyone with a med card wants them let me know and maybe we can do a trade. I did start a fem super skunk from G-13 labs. I should have done that to start and not try something I dont know the sex of now im a month behind and that sucks. I took a hike yesterday and sliped on some mud and took a hard spill on my ass and today my back is killing me and im out of meds so I really wish we had a dispensary. I do have the haze going but Im still not sure of the sex on that one yet so its umm 3 months out still. I called my buddy in hauula but he said its dry on that side so im hurting. Guess ill have to resort to that vicoden crap. I hate them. I cant even drive on that shit. Nothing gets done when im taking pills and not smoking instead. Oh and I keep forgetting to bring my camera home for pics but soon I promise.